Search for: polygamy

205 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 30.8 (Matthew Henry)

… . The polygamy of the patriarchs was, in some measure, excusable in them, because, though there was a reason against it as ancient as Adam’s marriage ( Malachi …

206 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 109.7 (Matthew Henry)

… at polygamy, as some other laws then did ( Exodus 21:10, 21:15 ), but forbids a man’s marrying two sisters, as Jacob did, because between those who had before been equal …

207 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1070.4 (Matthew Henry)

… . Note, Polygamy, or the marriage of more persons than one, as well as adultery, must be a breach of marriage-covenants, and a violation of the partner’s rights …

208 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1131.16 (Matthew Henry)

… reformation. Polygamy is scandalous in any, as also having a harlot or concubine with his lawful wife; such sin, or any wanton libidinous demeanour, must be …

209 Nave's Topical Index, Esau.10

Esau, Polygamy of Genesis 26:34; 28:9; 36:2,3;

211 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.3

Polygamy, Forbidden Deuteronomy 17:17; Leviticus 18:18; Malachi 2:14; Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:2; 1Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6;

212 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.4

Polygamy, Authorized 2Samuel 12:8;

213 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.5

Polygamy, Tolerated Exodus 21:10; 1Samuel 1:2; 2Chronicles 24:3;

214 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.6

Polygamy, Practiced by Job 27:15;

215 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.7

Polygamy, Lamech Genesis 4:19;

216 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.8

Polygamy, Esau Genesis 26:34; 28:9;

217 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.9

Polygamy, Jacob Genesis 29:30;

218 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.10

Polygamy, Ashur 1Chronicles 4:5;

219 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.11

Polygamy, Gideon Judges 8:30;

220 Nave's Topical Index, Polygamy.12

Polygamy, Elkanah 1Samuel 1:2;