Search for: Bereans
201 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 19 March 4, 1862, page 111 paragraph 7
… noble Bereans, who “searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:11 .
202 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 20 July 1, 1862, page 37 paragraph 16
… . The Bereans would not trust even an inspired apostle, but “searched the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so.” For so doing they were said to be more …
203 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 21 April 7, 1863, page 150 paragraph 12
O, may God help you to consider these things, and open your eyes to see your true position. Do as did those noble Bereans, who “searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”
204 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 22 July 28, 1863, page 66 paragraph 12
… the Bereans were commended for searching the scriptures daily to see whether what the apostles declared was true, we may well feel it incumbent upon us to …
205 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 23 January 26, 1864, page 70 paragraph 23
Those who take the Scriptures for their rule of faith and practice, will possess the spirit of the Bereans of old. They will search the Scriptures and see if these things are so.
206 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24 September 27, 1864, page 143 paragraph 10
Be not content to hear What others say; but go, Like the Bereans, daily search “Whether these things are so.”
207 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 25 January 17, 1865, page 61 paragraph 21
… the Bereans, and see whether these things were so. I felt from the first sermon I heard on it that the seventh-day was the right day, and if so, I must keep it when …
208 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 27 March 6, 1866, page 110 paragraph 15
May God bless all these friends, whose noble, Berean like reception and investigation of the truth has endeared them to me. God grant that I may meet them in the promised kingdom.
209 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 January 27, 1893, page 13 paragraph 7
… . The Bereans were called “more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily …
210 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 February 25, 1895, page 347 paragraph 10
… the Bereans that, they “searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” That is, the written word of God is given to establish the certainty of the …
211 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 July 1, 1899, page 43 paragraph 33
Whereas, The Berean Library was started for the purpose of affording a convenient and economical medium for extensively circulating the important books and pamphlets of our denominational literature; and,—
212 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 July 1, 1899, page 44 paragraph 3
… the Berean Library, and also to recommend the tracts and leaflets that may advantageously be used in supplementary reading in connection with the missionary …
213 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 July 1, 1899, page 44 paragraph 4
4. That the following-named persons be the committee to decide upon the books and pamphlets to be published in the Berean Library: L. A. Hoopes, S. N. Haskell, A. T. Jones, W. C. Sisley, S. H. Lane.
214 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 July 1, 1899, page 65 paragraph 5
Berean Library (devoted to the interests of the Missionary Reading Circle); quarterly; annual subscription 75 cents, to foreign countries $1; Review and Herald …
215 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 July 1, 1899, page 72 paragraph 6
… the Berean Library offers along missionary lines. For a number of years we have been wishing that some arrangement could be made that would enable us to get …
216 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 April 1, 1900, page 144 paragraph 11
Berean Library (devoted to the interests of the Missionary Reading Circle); quarterly; annual subscription 75 cents, to foreign countries $1; Review and Herald …
217 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 October 1, 1900, page 220 paragraph 47
Berean Library (devoted to the interests of the Missionary Reading Circle); quarterly; annual subscription 75 cents, to foreign countries $1; Review and Herald …
218 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 4, 1901, page 53 paragraph 4
… the “Berean Reading Circle.”
219 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 19, 1901, page 335 paragraph 1
… the Berean Library. We need many of our tracts revised, and we need something like this to come before our people. I notice it works well among the English, and …
220 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 July 1, 1901, page 535 paragraph 18
Educational Department: President Healdsburg College, M. E. Cady; Supt. Church-school and Sabbath-school work, E. S. Ballenger; Sec. Cal. Conference, M. H. Brown; Supt. Young People’s Work, W. S. Sadler; Berean Circle Work, Evelyn M. Riley.