Search for: Jehova*

2081 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 45.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… unto Jehovah. In bringing an animal sacrifice Noah followed the example of Abel; in calling upon the name of Jehovah he once again and solemnly adopted the …

2082 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 49.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… be Jehovah, the God of Shem, And Canaan shall be their slave:” a prophecy most signally fulfilled when Israel took possession of the land of Canaan; and, lastly …

2083 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 49.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… ; for Jehovah is to be the God of Shem. To speak in an anticipatory figure, Shem’s portion, in the widest sense, is that to be hereafter assigned to Levi, amongst …

2084 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 53.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… , that “Jehovah came down to see the city and the tower,” that is, using our human modes of expression, to take judicial cognizance of man’s undertaking. In allusion …

2085 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 55.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… which “Jehovah did there confound the language of all the earth.” All this would have been beyond its purpose. But there, at the very outset, when the first attempt …

2086 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 58.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah. Without any acquaintance with “Moses and the prophets,” he knew that of which Moses and the prophets spoke. Reverent, believing acknowledgment …

2087 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 62.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah, or the Angel of the Covenant. The first time Jehovah “appeared” unto Abram was when he entered the land of Canaan, in obedience to that Divine call …

2088 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 64.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah. The first, when the patriarch was called to his work and mission; ( Genesis 12-14 ) the second, when he received the promise of an heir, and the covenant …

2089 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 66.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah to Abram, as given in Genesis 12:1-3, consisted of a fourfold command, and a fourfold promise.

2090 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 68.4 (Alfred Edersheim)

… unto Jehovah who appeared unto him.” Thus, the soil on which Jehovah had been seen, and which He had just promised to Abram, was consecrated unto the Lord; and Abram’s …

2091 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 69.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… unto Jehovah;” and, though He does not seem to have visibly appeared unto him, yet the patriarch called upon the name of Jehovah. After a residence, probably of …

2092 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 70.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… . But Jehovah did not, like Abram, deny her who was to be the mother of the promised seed. He visited “Pharaoh and his house with great plagues,” which by-and-by led …

2093 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 71.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah.” In one respect this incident is typical of what afterwards befell the children of Israel. Like him, they went into Egypton account of a famine; and …

2094 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 73.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… him, Jehovah once more renewed to him, and enlarged the promise of the land, far as his eye could range, bestowing it upon Abram and his “seed for ever.” For the terms …

2095 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 76.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of “Jehovah,” as that of “the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth”—a name which indicated that covenant of grace of which Abram was to be the representative …

2096 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1

The Twofold Promise of “a Seed” to Abraham—Ishmael—Jehovah visits Abraham—The Destruction of Sodom—Abraham’s Sojourn at Gerar—His Covenant with Abimelech

2097 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 78.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

Jehovah assured him that it was to be otherwise than it seemed; nay, that his seed should be numberless as the stars in the sky. “And he believed in Jehovah: and …

2098 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 78.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… faith Jehovah now gave to Abram a sign and a seal, which yet were such once more only to his faith. He entered into a covenant with him. For this purpose the Lord …

2099 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 80.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… that Jehovah at last once more appeared in visible form to Abram,—this time to establish and fulfill the covenant which He had formerly made. Hence also now …

2100 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 1, p. 81.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… ,” when Jehovah once more appeared in visible form to him. This time it was, as it seemed, three wayfarers, whom the patriarch hastened to welcome to the rest and …