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181 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. ASS.3 (Noah Webster)

2. A dull, heavy, stupid fellow; a dolt.

182 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. AWAKE.4 (Noah Webster)

2. To excite from a state resembling sleep, as from death, stupidity or inaction; to put into action, or new life; as, to awake the dead; to awake the dormant faculties.

183 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. AWAKE.8 (Noah Webster)

2. To bestir, revive or rouse from a state of inaction; to be invigorated with new life; as, the mind awakes from its stupidity.

185 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BEEF-WITTED.1 (Noah Webster)

BEEF-WITTED, a. [beef and wit.] Dull in intellects; stupid; heavy-headed.

186 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BEETLE-HEAD.1 (Noah Webster)

BEETLE-HEAD, n. [beetle and head.] A stupid fellow.

187 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BEETLE-HEADED.1 (Noah Webster)

BEETLE-HEADED, a. Having a head like a beetle; dull; stupid.

188 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BESOTTED.1 (Noah Webster)

BESOTTED, pp. Made sottish or stupid. Besotted on, infatuated with foolish affection.

189 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BESOTTEDNESS.1 (Noah Webster)

BESOTTEDNESS, n. Stupidity; arrant folly; infatuation.

191 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BLOCKHEAD.1 (Noah Webster)

BLOCKHEAD, n. [block and head.] A stupid fellow; a dolt; a person deficient in understanding.

193 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BLOCKISH.1 (Noah Webster)

BLOCKISH, a. Stupid; dull; deficient in understanding.

194 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BLOCKISHLY.1 (Noah Webster)

BLOCKISHLY, adv. In a stupid manner.

195 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BLOCKISHNESS.1 (Noah Webster)

BLOCKISHNESS, n. Stupidity; dullness.

196 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BLOCKLIKE.1 (Noah Webster)

BLOCKLIKE, a. Like a block; stupid.

197 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BLUNDERHEAD.1 (Noah Webster)

BLUNDERHEAD, n. [blunder and head.] A stupid fellow; one who blunders.

198 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BLUNTWITTED.1 (Noah Webster)

BLUNTWITTED, a. [blunt and wit.] Dull; stupid.

199 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BOOBY.2 (Noah Webster)

1. A dunce; a stupid fellow; a lubber; one void of wisdom, or intellect.

200 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. BRUTIFY.1 (Noah Webster)

BRUTIFY, v.t. To make a person a brute; to make senseless, stupid or unfeeling.