Search for: meritorious

181 The Signs of the Times, vol. 12 July 8, 1886, page 404 paragraph 12

… sufficiently meritorious to be rewarded with the Imperial power and office.— Gibbon 56:9, note .

182 The Signs of the Times, vol. 22 September 24, 1896, page 601 paragraph 2

… speaking, meritorious, but serve to smooth the way to justification, to move God .— Ib., pp. 76, 77 .

183 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 521.2 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… became meritorious, when any ways subservient to the increase of his power or the exaltation of his see.”— Bower. [Page 521] “History of the Popes,” Leo, last par. but …

184 The Doctrine of Christ, p. 279.5 (William Warren Prescott)

… less meritorious makeweight in the scale? If this is what he means, he is gainsaying the whole argument of the epistle [to the Romans] on its main theme. No; it is …

185 American Sentinel, vol. 5 April 3, 1890, page 112 paragraph 8

… most meritorious acts that a party ever performed. It is to the honor of every senator who voted against it that he did so vote; and it may be spoken to his honor …

186 The Present Truth, vol. 10 September 20, 1894, page 597 paragraph 4

… and meritorious works. The servants of Baal cut themselves with knives in their efforts to get the attention of their god, when Elijah challenged them to …

187 The Present Truth, vol. 11 December 26, 1895, page 818 paragraph 13

… a meritorious deed. He is still “the god of this world,” and the fact that the nations are arming as never before shows that he knows that the time for him to work …

188 Justification by Faith, p. 30.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… as meritorious. Without any merit, by grace alone, is the sinner accepted of God; not for what he has done, or may do, but for what Christ has suffered for him. Grace …

189 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 3 April 20, 1842, page 17 paragraph 6

… so meritorious a character as to deserve endless happiness. But on the opposite plan, what a contracted, degrading estimate, is placed upon the efficacy of …

190 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 31, 1844, page 193 paragraph 15

… a meritorious character to what “St. Paul,” considered “loss and dross, and even dung.”—It builds again the things which he destroyed. It makes the natural Jews, represented …

191 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 2 March 23, 1852, page 110 paragraph 57

… look meritorious; for if they do something more than they are obliged to do, then it may be fairly enough said there is something of merit in what they do. How …

192 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 4 June 9, 1853, page 12 paragraph 1

… be meritorious; or present claims for salvation, or eternal life. - This is the gift of God through Christ, free and unmerited. But if obtained by the deeds of the …

193 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 4 June 9, 1853, page 12 paragraph 4

… no meritorious help from the deeds of the law, either moral or ceremonial. They are void, and powerless. He has given all for Christ, and Christ is all to him. - Free …

194 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 9 February 19, 1857, page 121 paragraph 17

… his meritorious sufferings, became the Redeemer of mankind in general, so that each individual of the human race, by a life of abstinence and restraint, may …

195 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 11 January 21, 1858, page 82 paragraph 14

… , however meritorious, is but the signal for these vultures to bring out their tainted morceau as a set-off to the compliment. None escape their leprous touch …

196 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 12 October 14, 1858, page 161 paragraph 4

I will give said the Pharisee, tithes and alms - For deed meritorious sweetly calms Each stinging of conscience with hallowed balms, But pride must have my heart.

197 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 12 November 11, 1858, page 195 paragraph 2

… highly meritorious object. After explaining it fully the esquire replied, ‘It is a noble plan; I can give you $100 without feeling it.’ ‘Without feeling it!’ exclaimed …

199 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 17 January 22, 1861, page 74 paragraph 9

… most meritorious actions are ascribed to the most corrupt motives. You are attacked just where your character is least vulnerable. The enemies whom your …

200 Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 18 September 10, 1861, page 113 paragraph 13

… , were meritorious at all, they were meritorious only as demanded by the law of God at that very time; for the law of God must always be the rule of that which is …