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8961 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wealth, Wealthy.3

… remember Yahweh thy God, for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth" ( Deuteronomy 8:17 - 18 ).

8962 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Whale.3

… ": "And Yahweh prepared great fish to swallow up Jonah" ( Jonah 1:17 ). Whales are found in the Mediterranean and are sometimes cast up on the shore of Palestine, but …

8963 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Whirlwind.3

… of Yahweh: "Yahweh hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm" ( Nahum 1:3 ); He "answered Job out of the whirlwind" ( Job 38:1 ).

8964 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Widow.2

… of Yahweh ( Psalms 68:5; 146:9; Proverbs 15:25 ). Sympathetic regard for them comes to be viewed as a mark of true religion ( Job 31:16; James 1:27 ). Deuteronomy is rich in …

8965 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wild Ox.9

The Psalmist ( Psalms 29:5 - 6 ) in describing the power of Yahweh says:

8966 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wild Ox.10

"Yea, Yahweh breaketh in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.

8967 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wild Ox.13

Again, in praise for Yahweh's goodness ( Psalms 92:10 ): "But my horn hast thou exalted like the horn of the wildox."

8968 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wind.8

… :24 ): "Yahweh caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all the night" ( Exodus 14:21 ) for the children of Israel to pass; the "rough blast in the day of the east wind …

8969 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wings.2

… for Yahweh shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint." In Malachi 4:2 the …

8970 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Wisdom.28

… , .... lest Yahweh .... turn away his wrath from him" (!)

8971 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Witch; Witchcraft.17

… of Yahweh ( Deuteronomy 18:10 f). Of course, if a Babylonian magician used his art to the injury of others he was punished as other criminals, and in case of the death …

8972 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Word.3

… of Yahweh (or God; see below) (a) as the revelation to the patriarch, prophet, or inspired person ( Genesis 15:1; Exodus 20:1; Numbers 22:38, etc.); (b) as spoken forth by the …

8973 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Worship.17

… .... worshipped Yahweh, and the king"). In this public national worship the truly devout Jew took his greatest delight, for in it were inextricably interwoven together …

8974 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Worship.18

… thanking Yahweh." Or it might be simply spoken: "And all the people said, Amen, and praised Yahweh" ( 1 Chronicles 16:36 ). How fully and splendidly this musical element …

8975 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Worship.20

… Israel: Yahweh our God is one Yahweh"; (2) prayers, possibly following some set form, perhaps repeating some psalm; (3) the reading by male individuals of extracts …

8976 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Worship.25

… Testament Yahweh, and to Jesus Christ ( Romans 10:11, 13; Romans 14:4, 6, 8, 11 - 12, etc.) clearly indicates that while God the Father was, as He must be, the ultimate and principal …

8977 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Writing, 2.55

… by Yahweh, Adam, Cain, or Seth. Taking the Biblical narrative as it stands, the earliest allusion to true writing is the sign of Cain ( Genesis 4:15 ), if indeed this …

8978 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Zabad.2

Zabad - za'-bad (zabhadh, perhaps a contraction for (1) zebhadhyah, "Yahweh has given," i.e. Zebadiah; or (2) zabhdi'el, "El (God) is my gift" (HPN, 222 f); Zabed(t), with many variants):

8979 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Zabdi.2

Zabdi - zab'-di (zabhdi>, perhaps "(a) gift of Yahweh" or "my gift" = New Testament "Zebedee"):

8980 International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, p. Zebah and Zalmunna.5

… of Yahweh coming upon, or rather "clothing itself with" (Revised Version margin) Gideon ( Judges 6:34 ); compare also Saul's call to action ( 1 Samuel 11:1 - 11 ), and also …