Search for: Jehova*

821 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 137.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… than Jehovah. It is this which constitutes the victory over that which is seen, but on which the men of the world ever deceive themselves in their ignorance …

822 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 137.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… name Jehovah must have been expressly used, whether by Jew or Gentile, but that this had no longer application after the dispersion of Israel, as otherwise …

823 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 138.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… to Jehovah. In this garb also did he send his former delegates to the Rabh-Shakeh, together with “the elders,” probably the chief officials, of the now reformed …

824 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 138.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah, a spirit of fear would take the place of that of boastful confidence. The “tidings” (this, rather than “rumor”) refer on the one hand to the advance of the …

825 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 139.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… before Jehovah “the letters” of the Assyrian, either as mechanical or as evidence of a lower standpoint. It was not even symbolical, but, as Delitzsch has rightly …

826 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 142.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… between Jehovah and Sennacherib was what had been told, and that they had not to fear any return of the enemy. And so would this prophetic “sign”—“natural” by the …

827 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 142.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah of hosts” should “perform this” ( Isaiah 9:7 ). Lastly, the third part of Isaiah’s utterance ( vers. 32-34 ) is a direct prediction with reference to the threats …

828 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 143.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah” went forth to smite in the Assyrian host—probably that which still lay before Jerusalem—“all the mighty men of valor, and the leaders and captains …

829 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 150.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah had refused, so Hezekiah in his distrust of natural means and trust of Jehovah asked for a sign. And lastly, even as Hezekiah had feared that his life …

830 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 151.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah amidst the temptations and difficulties of the Assyrian invasion. This, not only because he had had experience of the truth of prophetic promise …

831 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 154.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah’s power. Such had not been the object of the prophet in asking about the country of these strangers. By eliciting that they had come from Babylon …

832 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 157.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah-worship on “the heights” was restored. To this were added the Phoenician rites of Baal and Asherah, which Ahab had introduced in Israel, and the Assyro …

833 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 162.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah, seem not consistent with the measures that had afterwards to be adopted by his grandson Josiah, we have to remember that between them intervened …

835 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 169.2 (Alfred Edersheim)

… and Jehovah. Hence we conclude that it must have contained, besides the Book of Deuteronomy, at any rate those portions of the Pentateuch which related to …

836 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 176.1 (Alfred Edersheim)

… before Jehovah ( 2 Kings 22:19 ), nor yet any who so “turned to Jehovah with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses …

837 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 180.4 (Alfred Edersheim)

… Jehoahaz, “Jehovah holds up” (comp. 2 Kings 23:30, with Jeremiah 22:11, and 1 Chronicles 3:15 ).This probably because his appointment was out of the regular succession …

838 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 180.5 (Alfred Edersheim)

… of Jehovah.” If Josephus also characterizes him as “impure in his course of life,” this may refer to the restoration of the lascivious rites of his grandfather’s …

839 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 181.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… Jehoiakim—“Jehovah setteth up”—the selection of the name being probably determined by a regard for its effect upon the people. A tribute of 100 talents of silver …

840 Bible History Old Testament Vol. 7, p. 187.3 (Alfred Edersheim)

… , Jehoiachin (“Jehovah confirms”), a youth of eighteen years, who reigned for only three months and ten days ( 2 Chronicles 36:9 ).By a clerical error in 2 Chronicles …