Search for: the woman at the well

581 The Divine-Human Family, p. 79.1 (William Warren Prescott)

… with the same chapter, “And he said, Blessed be thou of the Lord, my daughter: for thou hast shown more kind-ness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch …

582 Sabbath School Lessons April 1897, page 28 paragraph 1

… , addressing the former, ‘Woman, behold thy son!’ then to the disciple, ‘Behold thy mother!’ John well understood the words of Jesus, and the sacred trust which was …

583 Both Sides on the Sabbath and Law, p. 205.3 (Uriah Smith)

… in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day.’ The Sabbatarian contends that by this passage the Saviour recognized the sacredness of the seventh-day Sabbath …

584 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 571.4 (Uriah Smith)

… is the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, which has great strength in the United States, and many auxiliaries in other lands, as well. This organization …

585 The Defense of Elder James White and Wife, p. 99.1 (Uriah Smith)

… injure the reputation of an innocent woman; and still more so if that woman is a laborer in the cause of God. He who numbers the hairs of the heads of his servants …

586 Here and Hereafter, p. 156.3 (Uriah Smith)

… by the sight of the eyes, but from the woman’s description. The words “saw,” as applied to the woman, verse 12, and “perceive,” as applied to Saul, verse 14, are from two …

587 Here and Hereafter, p. 170.1 (Uriah Smith)

… as well; namely, that seven brothers, one after another, according to the instruction of Moses to which they refer, had all been the husbands of one woman, and …

588 In Memoriam [White], p. 55.1 (Uriah Smith)

… of the poor and the needy. He never knowingly oppressed the hireling in his wages. He was the widow’s friend, a father to the fatherless.

589 Looking Unto Jesus, p. 48.1 (Uriah Smith)

… all the divine, spiritual promises to the children of men. Adam was connected with it by the promise that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s …

590 Man’s Nature and Destiny, p. 119.2 (Uriah Smith)

… by the sight of the eyes, but from the woman’s description. The words “saw,” as applied to the woman, verse 12, and “perceive,” as applied to Saul, verse 14, are from to …

591 Man’s Nature and Destiny, p. 133.3 (Uriah Smith)

… ; but the resurrection of the dead. “But as touching the resurrection from the dead,” says he [as “touching the dead that they rise” says Mark; and “that the dead are …

592 The Visions of Mrs. E.G. White, p. 19.1 (Uriah Smith)

… a woman the meaning of the law of the Lord? Those who feel so averse to a woman’s occupying any public position in the work of the Lord, will do well to make this …

593 The Blair Sunday-Rest Bill, p. 49.2 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… comprehend the thing. The Woman’s Christian Temperance Unions in the various States were at least partially represented along with the churches and other …

594 The Bible Echo, vol. 8 November 1, 1893, paragraph 21

… with the woman at the well of Samaria. It was a deep well, and the water was cool and good, but He said, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again; but whosoever …

595 The Everlasting Covenant, p. 266.1 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… is the fountain of living water. So when the woman of Samaria expressed surprise that He should ask her for a drink as she came to draw from Jacob’s well, He said …

596 Fathers of the Catholic Church, p. 102.1 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… forth the history of the Ignatian epistles:— “The history of the Ignatian epistles may well remind us of the story of the Sibylline books. A female in strange …

597 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 4 March 20, 1891, page 188 paragraph 3

… to the woman at the well, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him, shall be in him a well of …

598 The Medical Missionary Conference Bulletin March 9, 1899, page 14 paragraph 2

… whole; the cure is none the less a miracle whether six months or six seconds of time are taken in the work, and God is entitled to the same praise.

599 The Medical Missionary, vol. 14 April 1905, page 99 paragraph 3

… that the disease was not simply stayed, so that she began to improve, but she was well immediately. Jesus at once asked who touched him, and when those about him …

600 The Present Truth, vol. 8 October 6, 1892, page 310 paragraph 5

… with the woman by the well, and with the two disciples by the way, opening to them the Scriptures. So Paul reasoned out of the Scriptures, comparing spiritual …