Search for: "by beholding we become changed"

41 With God at Dawn, p. 212.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… image. By beholding we become changed. The character is softened, refined, and ennobled for the heavenly kingdom. The sure result of our intercourse and fellowship …

42 Ye Shall Receive Power, p. 56.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… church. By beholding we become changed. The more you contemplate the character of Christ, the more you will become conformed to His image. Come to Jesus just …

43 Appeal to the Battle Creek Church, p. 61.1 (Ellen Gould White)

… satanic. By beholding, we become changed. Man, formed in the image of his Maker, can so educate his mind that sin which he once loathed, will become pleasant to …

44 Testimony for the Church — No. 18, p. 181.2 (Ellen Gould White)

… satanic. By beholding, we become changed. Man, formed in the image of his Maker, can so educate his mind that sin which he once loathed, will become pleasant to …

45 Bible Echo and Signs of the Times May 15, 1892, paragraph 2

… ; for by beholding we become changed, and if we talk of our poverty and weakness, we shall only become more poverty stricken, more feeble in spiritual things …

46 Pacific Union Recorder July 20, 1905, paragraph 3

… churches. By beholding, we become changed. The more you contemplate the character of Christ, the more you will become conformed to His image. Come to Jesus just …

47 The Present Truth (UK) January 30, 1890, paragraph 7

… live. By beholding, we become changed into His image. When you look at the darkness, and talk of the darkness, you are scattering seeds of evil. Words of discouragement …

48 The Review and Herald June 10, 1884, paragraph 12

… that by beholding we become changed into the same image. Have courage in God, brethren; have courage in God.

49 The Review and Herald June 24, 1884, paragraph 3

… church. By beholding we become changed. The more you contemplate the character of Christ, the more you will become conformed to his image. Come to Jesus just …

50 The Review and Herald January 21, 1890, paragraph 6

… nature. By beholding, we become changed into his image.

51 The Review and Herald August 4, 1891, paragraph 3

By beholding, we become changed. Through close study and earnest contemplation of the character of Christ, his image is reflected in our own lives, and a higher …

52 The Review and Herald May 3, 1892, paragraph 7

… ; for by beholding, we become changed. As followers of Christ, we cannot afford to grasp for the wealth of the world. “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ …

53 The Review and Herald September 27, 1892, paragraph 9

… , till by beholding, we become changed into his glorious image. We are to keep our eyes fixed upon the Author and Finisher of our salvation.

54 The Review and Herald August 8, 1893, paragraph 2

… things.” By beholding we become changed into the image of that upon which we dwell; then let us turn away our eyes from beholding the imperfections of those …

55 The Review and Herald April 24, 1913, paragraph 3

By beholding we become changed. Through close study and earnest contemplation of the character of Christ, his image is reflected in our own lives, and a higher …

56 The Signs of the Times January 4, 1883, paragraph 11

… ; for by beholding, we become changed. Oh, the mysteries of redemption! Only by exalting Jesus and abasing self can we celebrate aright the birth of the Son of …

57 The Signs of the Times May 8, 1884, paragraph 9

By beholding we become changed. If you allow your mind to dwell upon the imperfections and moral deformities of others, you will be changed into the same image …

58 The Signs of the Times August 18, 1887, paragraph 10

… ; and by beholding we become changed into his image.

59 The Signs of the Times December 8, 1887, paragraph 3

… ; for by beholding we become changed. Only by exalting Jesus and abasing self can we celebrate aright the birth of the Son of God.

60 The Signs of the Times January 13, 1888, paragraph 11

… , and, by beholding, we become changed. When Christ abides in the heart, the whole nature is transformed. Everything that defileth is banished from the soul's …