Search for: "4000 years"

41 Smith's Bible Dictionary, p. On.2 (William Smith)

… than 4000 years, having been erected by Usirtesen, the second king of the twelfth dynasty. Heliopolis was anciently famous for its learning, and Eudoxus and …

42 The Change of the Sabbath, p. 196.1 (George Ide Butler)

… than 4,000 years? Or will you take the festival of “pope and pagan” as your day of rest, and still trample under foot the law of the great Jehovah? “Choose you this …

43 The Law of Moses, page 38 paragraph 10

… than 4,000 years, and the latter at the captivity, more than 700 years previous to the event of this passage, and neither by Roman agency.

44 The Sanctuary, p. 3.3 (Owen Russel Loomies Crosier (Crozier))

… than 4,000 years, and the latter at the captivity, more than 700 years previous to the event of this passage, and neither by Roman agency.

46 The Gospel in the Book of Galatians: A Review, p. 44.1 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… least 4,000 years. For, let me again repeat: The text does not say that the law was a school-master to point men to Christ, but to bring them to Him.

47 The Present Truth, vol. 13 January 14, 1897, page 30 paragraph 1

—There is now in Paris a legible papyrus roll that is 4,000 years old.

48 The Present Truth, vol. 15 March 9, 1899, page 154 paragraph 12

… lived 4,000 years ago, asked, “If a man die shall he live again?” and then he answered his own question by saying, “All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till …

49 The Perpetuity of the Seventh-day Sabbath, p. 84.2 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… for 4000 years. Now, does this mean a veil that had dimmed or obscured the vision of the schoolmaster whose office was to lead them to Christ? No need of evasion …

50 Signs of the Times [Himes], vol. 1 June 15, 1840, page 43 paragraph 7

… only 4000 years are alleged to have transpired before Christ; neither of which is correct. The alleged time B. C. is 4004 years. I will continue Br. J’s table principally …

51 Signs of the Times [Himes], vol. 1 July 15, 1840, page 61 paragraph 13

… for 4000 years. Noah prepared his ark, moved by the fear of an unfulfilled prophecy or promise; and Abraham saw afar off and rejoiced in the day of Christ by means …

52 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 2 November 15, 1841, page 126 paragraph 2

… the 4000 years of the earth’s having then stood, there certainly was a propriety in Christ’s saying,—“ The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of heaven is at hand …

53 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 December 27, 1843, page 158 paragraph 2

… required 4000 years for its introduction, and has not yet been in operation 2000. Strange as it may seem, that God in writing the book of time should make the …

54 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 6 January 24, 1844, page 191 paragraph 4

… required 4000 years for its introduction, and has not yet been in operation 2000. Strange as it may seem, that God in writing the book of time should make the …

56 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 7 March 6, 1844, page 34 paragraph 2

… or 4000 years, there is nothing revolting to verisimilitude or decorum; but to assign such a period to the actings of a symbolical man or a symbolical animal …

57 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 January 1, 1845, page 162 paragraph 3

… about 4000 years, God’s ancient people took heed to the first promise, that the seed of the woman should bruise the serpent’s head. Abraham received the promise …

58 The Advent Review, vol. 1 September 1850, page 43 paragraph 1

… than 4,000 years, and the latter at the captivity, more than 700 years previous to the event of this passage, and neither by Roman agency.

60 The Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 5 January 31, 1854, page 11 paragraph 14

… a 4000 years’ training, should have prepared his people for one somewhat different. (2.) Again: You ask, “Can he improve his original law abolishing one tenth …