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541 The Medical Evangelist October 1, 1909, paragraph 22

… . The work of temperance must begin in our own hearts. And the work of the physician must begin in an understanding of the works and teachings of the great Physician …

542 The Medical Missionary June 1, 1891, paragraph 4

… been done! How many have closed the eyes and locked the door of the heart, lest a softening influence should prompt them to works of kindness and charity! The …

543 The Medical Missionary June 1, 1891, paragraph 10

… we have done much in a heartless, compulsory way. We want now to hide in Jesus, and separate all selfishness and vanity from our work. We should do nothing by halves …

544 The Medical Missionary December 1, 1892, paragraph 11

… who have not a high sense of what it means to be a missionary. Individually, all need a heart work. A good work cannot be done by the human agent alone. For the full …

545 Monthly Missionary Reading May 9, 1908, paragraph 4

… , this work must be taken hold of decidedly. All that men enjoy they receive from the Lord's great firm, and he is pleased to have his heritage enjoy his goods …

546 The Nebraska Reporter February 28, 1905, paragraph 7

… is done must be done quickly. The Lord would have all use their influence to build up this institution, not to limit its power of doing good. Those who are connected …

547 The Needs of the Cause in Australasia July 4, 1903, paragraph 30

… , should give Himself an offering for sin. What line can measure the depth of this love? God would make it impossible for man to say that He could have done more …

548 Pacific Union Recorder August 29, 1901, Art. A, paragraph 3

must be done that has not yet been accomplished. The medical missionary work must be recognized. Those who go forth as ministers of the gospel should be …

549 Pacific Union Recorder September 12, 1901, paragraph 5

… who have been appointed as shepherds of the flock are not all laborers together with God. They are neglecting the very work that should be done.

550 Pacific Union Recorder September 26, 1901, paragraph 19

… world have, and we should not hesitate to ask them to impart of the Lord's goods for the establishment of sanitariums, which are a benefit to all classes of …

551 Pacific Union Recorder March 27, 1902, paragraph 11

work they have done, a work of which the younger laborers have no conception. He has been cognizant of all the privations and self-denial they have endured …

552 Pacific Union Recorder July 31, 1902, paragraph 1

… that have not yet been sown. Work is to be done in various ways. Humble men, willing to make sacrifices, to work as Christ worked, are needed. And church members …

553 Pacific Union Recorder December 29, 1904, paragraph 7

… would have done if so many of the workers had not limited the development of the work by refusing to co-operate with laborers who should have been given standing …

554 Pacific Union Recorder July 18, 1907, paragraph 5

… in all its fulness by the people of God, a great and noble work would be accomplished that is still to be done. Commercial interests would have been made of secondary …

555 Pacific Union Recorder February 20, 1908, paragraph 5

… a working member. Even the children should be encouraged to work. The children, the youth, and those of middle age should be taught to labor in missionary lines …

556 The Review and Herald January 20, 1863, paragraph 1

… who have the fear of God before them restrain their children, they should study their dispositions and temperaments, and should seek to meet their wants …

557 The Review and Herald January 19, 1864, paragraph 9

… is working with all his power to wrest souls from the hand of Christ, and cause them to trample under foot the Son of God. An angel repeated slowly and emphatically …

558 The Review and Herald February 20, 1866, paragraph 4

… more work than one or two well men should have done.

559 The Review and Herald January 5, 1869, paragraph 13

… talents, have failed to improve upon them as they should have done. Some have talents of influence, some have talents of means, and others have both talents …

560 The Review and Herald January 5, 1869, paragraph 15

… for it, should have a zealous care that its columns should contain the most precious light. Especially the ministers should arouse. They should feel a special …