Search for: gospel

49581 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 467.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… , the gospel met with considerable success among the Jews at Jerusalem, both among those resident there and those who visited it during that period. Our first …

49582 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 468.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… the gospel.— Cod. Theod., XVI, 1, 2. Time of Emperors Gratian, Valentinian, and Theodosius.

49583 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 496.15 (General Conference of SDA)

“Chronological Synopsis of the Four Gospels (A),” Karl Wieseler.—Calendar, 63; Jesus Christ, 301, 304.

49584 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 498.21 (General Conference of SDA)

Gospel of Life in the Syriac New Testament (The),” Prof. J. H. Pettingell.—Apostasy, 16.

49585 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 499.2 (General Conference of SDA)

“Historical Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament (A),” George Salmon.—Canon, 77; Mark’s Gospel, 328; Matthew’s Gospel, 332.

49586 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 503.5 (General Conference of SDA)

Salmon, George.—Canon, 77; Infallibility, 277; Mark’s Gospel, 328; Matthew’s Gospel, 332.

49587 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 507 (General Conference of SDA)

… , 183. Gospels, time of writing of, 34. Gratian, 197. Gratian, Decretum of, 81-83, 376. Greek language, influence of, 16. Greek papyri, 389-391. Gregory I, 10, 126, 280, 381, 382 …

49588 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 508 (General Conference of SDA)

… . Luke’s Gospel, census in, 88. Luther, 23, 87, 125, 160, 265, 291, 321, 322, 454. Luther on sacraments, 456. Madai, 397, 400, 401. Madonna, 250, 484. Magna Charta, 375. Magog, 397, 400 …

49589 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 5.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… the gospel. That state of general peace which existed throughout the Roman Empire under the prosperous reign of Augustus Casar, was peculiarly fitted for …

49590 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 7.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… the gospel trust charged upon the ministry? This is the end thereof: “That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukable, until the appearing of our …

49591 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 8.4 (General Conference of SDA)

… the gospel which the apostles preached, and which these Christians received. [pp. 118, 119]- Rev. John McNicol, B. A., B. D., in “The Fundamentals, ” Vol. VI, chap. 8, pp. 114, 118, 119 …

49592 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 8.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… -ascension Gospel which he sends opens with, “Behold, he cometh with clouds,” and closes with, “Surely I come quickly.” Considering the solemn emphasis thus laid …

49593 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 13.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… the gospel “as a witness” to all nations, false signs and wonders, desolations, woes, and lastly, the great tribulation, and he closes with the words, “Immediately …

49594 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 17.4 (General Conference of SDA)

… ‘this gospel of the kingdom;’ whilst in this country, he adds, about 700 of the Church of England are raising the same cry.”- Advent Tracts, Vol. II, p. 135; cited in “ Bible …

49595 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 22.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… the gospel; and understood that, with the coming of this “judgment” (in 1844, as they believed), a movement was imperative to carry to every nation and tongue a warning …

49596 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 28.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… the gospel with regard to the person and office of Christ....

49597 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 36.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… .—“ The Gospel of Life in the Syriac New Testament ,” Prof. J. H. Pettingell, p. 9.

49598 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 67.8 (General Conference of SDA)

… the Gospels.—“ A History of the Baptists ,” Thomas Armitage, D. D., LL. D., p. 35. New York: Bryan, Taylor & Co., 1887.

49599 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 71.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… his Gospel in Asia Minor.—“ All About the Bible ,” Sidney Collett, pp. 11, 12. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 9th edition.

49600 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 72.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… four Gospel narratives may present some feature not found in the rest, but capable of being combined with the others in one full statement. For example, the …