Search for: polygamy

461 The Marvel of Nations, p. 254.3 (Uriah Smith)

… Mormon polygamy, though practiced under the name of religion, against intemperance, and against some forms of worship which pagans under the sanction of …

462 The Marvel of Nations, p. 294 (Uriah Smith)

… Mormon polygamy. 254 Motto of International Sabbath Association Recorder. 223 Mr. Haven’s testimony. 167 Napoleon’s pretended wonders. 152 Nature of existing …

463 Modern Spiritualism, p. 100.4 (Uriah Smith)

… -resistant? Polygamy is as natural to one stage of development as oranges are natural to the South. Shall I grow indignant, and because I am a monogamist, condemn …

465 American Sentinel, vol. 2 March 1887, page 22 paragraph 1

… ; for polygamy is the violation of the seventh commandment, which is contained in the second table of the decalogue, defining the relations of men with one …

466 American Sentinel, vol. 3 July 1888, page 52 paragraph 1

… practicing polygamy. We say, No. The cases are not parallel to the slightest extent. Polygamy is a sin against society. It inflicts cruel wrongs upon thousands …

467 The Everlasting Covenant, p. 259.1 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… practice polygamy, because of the hardness of their hearts; “but from the beginning it was not so.” Out of the ground God makes food grow. No living creature can …

468 The Everlasting Covenant, p. 385.2 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… regulating polygamy, in order to diminish as far as possible the resulting evils, but that does not prove that He designed it for them. We well know that “from …

469 Fathers of the Catholic Church, p. 33.2 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… their polygamy. Like the Mormons, he held that not only men, but plants and all inanimate objects also, have souls, which existed prior to themselves. Thus, Prof …

470 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 4 March 15, 1891, page 106 paragraph 5

… or polygamy, or any other crime defined by law as a duty arising or resulting from membership in such order, organization, or association or which practices …

471 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 4 March 15, 1891, page 109 paragraph 3

… extirpate polygamy in any of the Territories, by the enactment of a criminal code directed to that end; but it is not authorized under the cover of that power …

472 The Present Truth, vol. 10 October 18, 1894, page 670 paragraph 17

… of polygamy and suffering deprivation of civil rights.

473 The Present Truth, vol. 13 January 7, 1897, page 4 paragraph 7

… regulating polygamy, in order to diminish as far as possible the resulting evils, but that does not prove that He designed it for them. We well know that “from …

474 The Present Truth, vol. 13 April 14, 1897, page 233 paragraph 1

… allowed polygamy, namely, the hardness of men's hearts, God allowed men to use flesh as food; but out of regard for their welfare He set certain safeguards, to …

475 The Signs of the Times, vol. 11 November 5, 1885, page 665 paragraph 5

The Christian Weekly, after making a statement that polygamy is not the only evil of Mormonism, says:-

476 The Signs of the Times, vol. 12 November 18, 1886, page 694 paragraph 10

… to polygamy. Many very specious arguments were adduced in its favor, but they all seemed to be summed up in the one statement that is “according to nature.” We …

477 The Signs of the Times, vol. 12 November 18, 1886, page 694 paragraph 11

… in polygamy by taking four wives. He is doubtless as sincere in his belief as the Hindoo is in his. The originators of Mormonism were beyond question intentional …

478 The Signs of the Times, vol. 13 February 24, 1887, page 126 paragraph 6

… of polygamy, for he introduced the Turkish harem into the United States, as the “Book of Doctrine and Covenants” plainly shows.

479 The Signs of the Times, vol. 14 January 27, 1888, page 64 paragraph 3

… State, polygamy will be forever intrenched in this country. It is true that the Constitution that has been prepared, declares polygamy a misdemeanor, and …

480 The Signs of the Times, vol. 14 September 7, 1888, page 551 paragraph 5

… their polygamy. Like the Mormons, he held that not only men, but plants and all inanimate objects also, have souls, which existed prior to themselves. Thus, Prof …