Search for: , chapter 17

441 The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, vol. 55 April 8, 1880, page 227 paragraph 1

… last chapters, as they stand in the book, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, are put chronologically before all the preceding chapters; they are made to be 28 years [It should be 286 …

442 Ecclesiastical Empire, p. 215.2 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… Three Chapters continued between the pope and many bishops; and in 588 there began a war between the pope and the patriarch of Constantinople over the title …

443 Ecclesiastical Empire, p. 609.3 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… this chapter not otherwise credited are from Neander’s “History of the Christian Religion and Church,” Vol. v, sec. ii, part i.

444 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 5 1893, page 261 paragraph 1

Fifteenth chapter of Gibbons’ Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, paragraph 17; he says of the heathen in the inquiry after the immortality of the soul:

445 The Great Empires of Prophecy, from Babylon to the Fall of Rome, p. 33.1 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

17. “In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar,” there was given to Daniel the vision recorded in the eighth chapter of his book. At the time when the vision …

446 Lessons on Faith, p. 103 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

Chapter 17—The Power Of The Word-I

447 The Marshaling of the Nations, p. 27.5 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… -ninth chapters of Ezekiel are the Word of God to all people to-day, concerning the place which is occupied by Russia, its position, and its career, in the last …

448 The Two Republics, or Rome and the United States of America, p. 4 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… 5 CHAPTER I. THE LAST DAYS OF THE REPUBLIC 17 Capital and labor—Electoral corruption—Anti-monopoly legislation—The distribution of the land—Senatorial …

450 Evidences from Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ About the Year A. D. 1843, and of His Personal Reign of 1000 Years, p. 61.3 (William Miller)

… 65th chapter of Isaiah, some have supposed that the new heavens and new Earth spoken of, in that chapter cannot be fulfilled in the gospel day-or in the present …

451 The Divine-Human Family, p. 22.3 (William Warren Prescott)

… , first chapter, 23rd verse. “Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is …

452 Sabbath School Lessons April 1897, page 8


453 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 62.3 (Uriah Smith)

… of chapter 2 is exactly parallel with the vision of the four beasts of chapter 7. The fourth beast of chapter 7 represents the same as the iron legs of the image …

454 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 330.5 (Uriah Smith)

… Hereafter, chapter 17.)

455 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 346.4 (Uriah Smith)

… in chapter 3:15-17, was deemed to be incompatible with the glorious state of things which would exist here on this earth for a thousand years, with all the world …

456 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 360.1 (Uriah Smith)

… . (See chapters 17-19.) The death which is threatened is doubtless the second death, at the end of the one thousand years of Revelation 20, when the righteous retribution …

457 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 364.3 (Uriah Smith)

… . See chapter 7:17: “For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe away …

458 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 368.2 (Uriah Smith)

… . (See chapter 13:13-17.)

459 Daniel and The Revelation, p. 504.2 (Uriah Smith)

… ? (See chapter 17:18: “And the woman which thou sawest is that great city which reigneth over the kings [kingdoms] of the earth.”) That city is the papal Roman power …