Search for: polygamy

421 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 753 paragraph 3

… in polygamy, he will, as The Outlook says, “be a representative of polygamy.” He would favor polygamy in any manner in which as a Congressman he might have opportunity …

422 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 753 paragraph 4

… of polygamy, will still represent polygamy, what will Methodists, Catholics, and others, in the like position, represent as regards their respective religious …

423 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 754 paragraph 2

… representing polygamy, which is his religious belief and practice, how can other church people be in politics without also representing to the same extent …

424 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 757

“Apologists for Slavery and Polygamy” American Sentinel 14, 48, pp. 757, 758.

425 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 757 paragraph 1

… and polygamy, now that these institutions are known to exist in lands subject to the jurisdiction of United States, would be amusing if they did not relate …

426 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 757 paragraph 6

Of polygamy in this new American possession the writer speaks thus:—

427 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 757 paragraph 7

Polygamy is not as active an institution as some are led to believe. Among the poor it is rarely practised, and the chief incentive among the chiefs is for perpetuating …

428 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 758 paragraph 1

Would not this be acceptable to the American people as a basis upon which to allow polygamy in Utah? If not, why say anything in its defense?

429 The American Sentinel 14 December 7, 1899, page 758 paragraph 3

… and polygamy in Sulu, it is quite fitting that the writer should join the statement that “It would be the means of exciting the enmity of the priests, and in the …

430 The American Sentinel 15 January 25, 1900, page 53 paragraph 8

… against polygamy on religious grounds. At the annual business meeting of this association, the Committee on Resolutions was instructed to prepare “resolutions …

431 The American Sentinel 15 January 25, 1900, page 53 paragraph 9

… anti-polygamy amendment to the Constitution.” One of these reads thus: ‘Polygamy is hereby declared to be an offense against the United States, and forever …

432 The American Sentinel 15 January 25, 1900, page 54 paragraph 1

… against polygamy and debars polygamists from office because of the law of Christ, or whether it is done upon purely secular grounds. For if the Government …

433 The American Sentinel 15 January 25, 1900, page 53 paragraph 8

… against polygamy on religious grounds. At the annual business meeting of this association, the Committee on Resolutions was instructed to prepare “resolutions …

434 The American Sentinel 15 January 25, 1900, page 53 paragraph 9

… anti-polygamy amendment to the Constitution.” One of these reads thus: ‘Polygamy is hereby declared to be an offense against the United States, and forever …

435 The American Sentinel 15 January 25, 1900, page 54 paragraph 1

… against polygamy and debars polygamists from office because of the law of Christ, or whether it is done upon purely secular grounds. For if the Government …

436 Arguments on the Breckinridge Sunday Bill, p. 14.6 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… against polygamy; it does not exempt a man who happens to have a peculiar religious faith in relation thereto. Not by any means. One who believes it is right …

437 Ecclesiastical Empire, p. 269.3 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… , the polygamy of that great monarch, more like an Oriental sultan (except that his wives were not secluded in a harem), as well as the notorious licentiousness …

438 The Empires of the Bible from the Confusion of Tongues to the Babylonian Captivity, p. xiv.1 (Alonzo Trevier Jones)

… introduced polygamy. The two classes thus distinguished in the earth, continued.: the lawless elements multiplying and the lawlessness increasing until …

439 The Home Missionary, vol. 5 November 1893, page 10 paragraph 2

… prohibiting polygamy, chaplains in army and navy, in Congress and legislatures, and decisions of courts that Christianity is part of the common law,—all prove …

440 The Medical Missionary, vol. 17 August 19, 1908, page 657 paragraph 7

In the life of Lamech, the fifth from Cain, there appears another strain of evil—“Lamech took unto himself two wives .” Polygamy was thus begun.