Search for: Choice

4121 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1166.4 (Matthew Henry)

… a choice one, but one chosen of God. It is lovely and beautiful to see ladies, by holy walking, demonstrate their election of God. And her children; probably the …

4122 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1167.3 (Matthew Henry)

… a choice gentleman; such are worthy of esteem and value. He is notified, 1. By his name,— Gaius. We read of several of that name, particularly of one whom the apostle …

4123 Matthew Henry's Complete Bible Commentary, p. 1182.2 (Matthew Henry)

… , his choice ones, eminent in every grace, and the earnest of many more who should be followers of them, as they were of Christ. [4.] By their universal integrity and …

4125 Nave's Topical Index, Choice.3

Choice, Between judgments, by David 2Samuel 24:12; 1Chronicles 21:11;

4126 Strong's Hebrew Concordance, p. BACHAR.4 (James Strong)

choice 2 Samuel 10:9 1 Chronicles 19:10 2 Chronicles 25:5 Proverbs 8:10 Proverbs 8:19 Proverbs 10:20

4128 Strong's Hebrew Concordance, p. BARAR.3 (James Strong)

choice 1 Chronicles 7:40 Nehemiah 5:18

4129 Strong's Hebrew Concordance, p. MIBCHOWR.2 (James Strong)

choice 2 Kings 3:19 2 Kings 19:23

4130 Strong's Hebrew Concordance, p. MIBCHAR.2 (James Strong)

choice Genesis 23:6 Deuteronomy 12:11 Isaiah 37:24 Jeremiah 22:7 Ezekiel 24:4 Ezekiel 24:5 Ezekiel 31:16

4131 Thompson Chain Reference, Abraham.7

Abraham, UNSELFISHNESS-gave Lot the first choice of the land Genesis 13:9 ;

4133 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.3

Choice, Evil Proverbs 1:29; Isaiah 65:12; Isaiah 66:3; Matthew 27:21 ;

4134 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.4

Choice, Wise Choice, Examples of

4135 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.5

Choice, Joshua Joshua 24:15 ;

4136 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.6

Choice, Ruth Ruth 1:16 ;

4137 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.7

Choice, Solomon 1 Kings 3:9 ;

4138 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.8

Choice, The Psalmist Psalms 119:30; Psalms 119:173; Micah 4:5 ;

4139 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.9

Choice, Mary Luke 10:42 ;

4140 Thompson Chain Reference, Choice.10

Choice, Moses Hebrews 11:25 ;