Search for: "Sugar is not good for the stomach"
1 Counsels on Diet and Foods, p. 327.1 (Ellen Gould White)
525. Sugar is not good for the stomach. It causes fermentation, and this clouds the brain and brings peevishness into the disposition.— Manuscript 93, 1901
2 Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2, p. 391.3 (Ellen Gould White)
… Counseling —Sugar is not good for the stomach. It causes fermentation, and this clouds the brain and brings peevishness into the disposition. And it has been …
3 Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2, p. 618.2 (Ellen Gould White)
Sugar and the Disposition —Sugar is not good for the stomach. It causes fermentation, and this clouds the brain and brings peevishness into the disposition.— Manuscript 93, 1901. ( Counsels on Diet and Foods, 327 .)
4 Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods, p. 144.7 (Ellen Gould White)
Sugar is not good for the stomach. It causes fermentation, and this clouds the brain and brings peevishness into the disposition.
5 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 16 (1901), Ms 93, 1901, par. 18
Sugar is not good for the stomach. It causes fermentation and this clouds the brain and brings peevishness into the disposition. And it has been proved that two meals are better than three for the health of the system.
6 A Gift of Light, p. 56.2 (Roger W. Coon)
“Ellen White advised against overeating. Also against crash dieting. (‘Do not go to extremes.’) Minimal sweets. (She said that sugar is not good for the stomach.)