Search for: Jehova*

26021 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 419.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… which Jehovah assumed to that people a special relation,-a relation which he never sustained to any other portion of our race,-the relation of their King,-himself …

26022 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 421.3 (General Conference of SDA)

… of Jehovah already spoken of, and the blessed company attendant round it. For this did not appear in open space or public: but, as seems manifest in the progress …

26023 In Defense of the Faith, p. 26.5 (William Henry Branson)

… of Jehovah. We live in a lawless age. Men are not only trying to remove the restraints of the law of God, but to get rid of God Himself. Infidelity openly stalks …

26024 In Defense of the Faith, p. 114.3 (William Henry Branson)

“‘Had all men properly kept the Sabbath, all would have known Jehovah and worshiped Him from the creation of the world to the present time, and idolatry never would have been practiced on the earth.’—Justin Edwards.

26025 In Defense of the Faith, p. 118.5 (William Henry Branson)

… of Jehovah, without which that law would-be of no authority. This fact alone elevates the Sabbath precept in importance above any other. We have shown that …

26026 In Defense of the Faith, p. 120.1 (William Henry Branson)

… of Jehovah upon him, a man arises Sabbath morning and deliberately proceeds to use this holy time in his own business. How must such an act appear in the eyes …

26027 In Defense of the Faith, p. 219.4 (William Henry Branson)

… of Jehovah in his own strength. What Christ said is verily as true of Him now as before, that “without Me you can do nothing.” How, then, may God’s will be accomplished …

26028 In Defense of the Faith, p. 312.3 (William Henry Branson)

… of Jehovah, nor free Christians from obligation to keep it.

26029 Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, p. 60.2 (Pieter Gerard Damsteegt)

… Lord Jehovah will appear for the restoration and re-establishment in Palestine of the seed of Abraham.” The end of this period would also signify “the overthrow …

26030 Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, p. 71.3 (Pieter Gerard Damsteegt)

… concerned, Jehovah himself adds, ‘I have appointed each day for a year .’ Ezekiel is in this transaction a miniature hieroglyphic of Israel; a man, of a nation. Hence …

26031 Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, p. 105.3 (Pieter Gerard Damsteegt)

… of Jehovah was gradually opened to their minds. In every instance their weakness, as well as ignorance was overruled to fulfill scripture.... So with the 2nd …

26032 Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, p. 118.3 (Pieter Gerard Damsteegt)

… . As Jehovah declares that he married the old Jerusalem, Ezekiel 16 ., so the Son of God is to be married to the new Jerusalem.” On the basis of Mt. 22:8-14 they said that …

26033 Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, p. 216.3 (Pieter Gerard Damsteegt)

… of Jehovah s wrath” ( ibid.). Later, he stated that the third angel’s message “will be a test to all men” (“The Loud Voice of the Third Angel,” RH, Oct. 20, 1859, p. 172).

26034 Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, p. 291.2 (Pieter Gerard Damsteegt)

… of Jehovah is to be presented everywhere. This is the deciding question; it will test and prove the world.” Andrews, “Our Embarkation,” RH, Sept. 22, 1874, p. 112. Earlier …

26035 Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission, p. 303.3 (Pieter Gerard Damsteegt)

… by Jehovah from Sinai, engraven on the tables of stone, and deposited in the ark, which was in consequence called the “ark of the covenant,” or testament. Numbers …

26036 Facts of Faith, p. 29.3 (Christian Edwardson)

… “Lord” (“Jehovah”) in other places. Such a line of reasoning would be as inconsistent as to claim that Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians, for instance, must have …

26037 Facts of Faith, p. 69.1 (Christian Edwardson)

… on Jehovah’s law, and change His Holy Sabbath, without any warrant of Scripture?

26038 Facts of Faith, p. 78.3 (Christian Edwardson)

… of Jehovah and to elevate Sunday as a joyful day. The Egyptians worshipped their sun-god under the name of Osiris, and the Apis bull (the golden calf made at Horeb …

26039 Facts of Faith, p. 79.5 (Christian Edwardson)

… of Jehovah? Every thoughtful person must say with the Apostle Paul: “God forbid.” Romans 3:31 .

26040 The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, vol. 1, p. 61.1 (LeRoy Edwin Froom)

… Himself (Jehovah the Creator— Genesis 2:4 ) invoked the provision of probation, devised in the love, mercy, and wisdom of God before ever the earth came into being …