Search for: Jehova*

26001 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 457.6 (General Conference of SDA)

… worshiped Jehovah. (See 2 Kings 17:24-34 .) When the little Jewish state had been re-established at Jerusalem, they wished to participate in Jewish worship and …

26002 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 483.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… give Jehovah’s judgment. “The lot is cast into the lap (Heb., bosom); but the whole judgment thereof is of the Lord.” Proverbs 16:33. Bosom here is put for the clothing …

26003 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 483.6 (General Conference of SDA)

… gave Jehovah’s decision, “guilty” or “innocent,” “yes” or “no.”-“ The Companion Bible ,” Part I, “ The Pentateuch ,” p. 112. London: Oxford University Press.

26004 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 498.5 (General Conference of SDA)

“Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments,” A. H. Sayce.—Abraham, 6; Canaan, 71; Egypt, 168; Genesis, 206; Hittites, 242; Jehovah, 287; Josiah, 313; Moabite Stone, 347; Siloam Inscription, 466; Tiglath-Pileser, 477.

26005 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 500.6 (General Conference of SDA)

Jehovah Titles,” James Sprunt.—Jehovah, 288.

26006 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 503.7 (General Conference of SDA)

Sayce, A. H.—Abraham, 6; Amraphel, 8, 9; Canaan, 71; Egypt, 168; Genesis 206; Hammurabi, 222; Higher Criticism, 235; Hittites, 242; Jehovah, 287; Josiah, 313; Moabite Stone, 347; Siloam Inscription, 466; Tiglath-Pileser, 477.

26008 Handbook for Bible Students, p. 508 (General Conference of SDA)

… , 401. Jehovah, 212, 214, 215. Jeremiah, key word to, 39. Jerome, 10, 52, 464. Jerusalem, 155, 184, 242, 243, 317, 446, 475. Jerusalem, persecutions at, 13. Jesus, time of trial of, 62 …

26009 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 43.13 (General Conference of SDA)

… to Jehovah for a sin offering ( Leviticus 16:5 ), and to cast lots on them, one for Jehovah, the other for Azazel ( verse 8 ), requires us to take Azazel as a spiritual personality …

26010 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 44.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… is Jehovah, the other would seem for some other person or being; not one for Jehovah, and the other for the goat itself.

26011 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 44.9 (General Conference of SDA)

… Yahwe [Jehovah] receives the other, both must be personal beings.— Encyclopedia Biblica, a Dictionary of the Bible, edited by the Rev. T. K. Cheyne, M. A., D. D., and T. Sutherland …

26012 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 55.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… of Jehovah as the mire in the streets.—“ Daniel and His Prophecies ,” Charles H. H. Wright, D. D., pp. 129-131. London: Williams and Norgate, 1906.

26013 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 55.6 (General Conference of SDA)

… of Jehovah at Jerusalem, would not use his sacred trophies in the worship of his false gods. But this weak and wicked successor of the great conqueror, excited …

26014 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 56.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… of Jehovah and praising the gods of gold and silver and stone, and that great feast of boasting and of blasphemy was the last ceremonial of the Chaldean kings …

26015 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 63.3 (General Conference of SDA)

… , when Jehovah opened before Cyrus the two-leaved gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron.—“ The Two Babylons ,” Rev. Alexander Hislop, p. 2. London: S. W. Partridge …

26016 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 64.3 (General Conference of SDA)

… of Jehovah’s sanctuary?-“ Key to the Apocalypse ,” H. Grattan Guinness, D. D., p. 75. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1899.

26017 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 86.4 (General Conference of SDA)

… (thus Jehovah was simply written JHVH), but there was no spacing to divide one word from another, as if we should write the Lord’s prayer thus:

26018 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 176.1 (General Conference of SDA)

… of Jehovah he should atheistically apostatize; but his apostasy should not lead him back to the long abrogated paganism of his fathers-“ The Sacred Calendar …

26019 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 177.2 (General Conference of SDA)

… , even Jehovah his very self.”- Ibid.

26020 Source Book for Bible Students, p. 315.5 (General Conference of SDA)

… .”—And Jehovah God formed the man (Heb., the Adam) dust from the ground, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living animal.... Some of our readers …