Search for: Jehova*

23841 The American Sentinel 4 October 2, 1889, page 281 paragraph 6

… , or Jehovah, and express gratitude to him. Mr. Cosgrove argued in the same line, to the effect that “the man who is not accountable to a Diety pf some kind is unsafe …

23842 The American Sentinel 5 May 8, 1890, page 146 paragraph 12

… , or Jehovah, it is all the same; all that is necessary is to assent to the existence of a personal God, and everybody on earth except the downright atheist; assuredly …

23843 The American Sentinel 6 December 10, 1891, page 379 paragraph 7

5. Jehovah promised to establish the throne and seed of David forever. “Also I will make him my first-born, higher than the kings of the earth.” Psalm 89:3, 4, 27. The …

23844 The American Sentinel 7 August 4, 1892, page 240 paragraph 2

… , or Jehovah? If the State made the laws, and the citizens are the State, then the citizens have established the standard for their own consciences, and are a law …

23845 The American Sentinel 7 September 29, 1892, page 304 paragraph 4

… to Jehovah, the other, it is claimed, equally sacred to his Son; the one stigmatized as “Jewish,” the other called “Christian;” the one clearly of divine origin, the …

23846 The American Sentinel 8 May 25, 1893, page 162 paragraph 4

… of Jehovah. Mattaniah gave his hand, and accepted this new name as the seal of the covenant with the king of Babylon, and in so doing pledged that if he should …

23847 The American Sentinel 8 August 10, 1893, page 249 paragraph 10

… of Jehovah and force men to accept it as the genuine. We do not say that these people know what they have done, or what they are still doing. Neither did the Church …

23848 The American Sentinel 8 August 10, 1893, page 250 paragraph 3

… Lord Jehovah is he. And in these days when “science” is taking the place of God, and evolution the place of creation, it is time that men should know God and his creative …

23849 The American Sentinel 9 May 3, 1894, page 137 paragraph 2

… of Jehovah, between the religious truth of God’s Word and the religious error of human fable and tradition. What will be the result? Truth will win. Error will …

23850 The American Sentinel 9 November 15, 1894, page 353 paragraph 4

… worship Jehovah; they were only required to honor the gods of Rome. It is the same to-day with the Seventh-day Adventists: they are not forbidden, say the courts …

23851 The American Sentinel 9 November 22, 1894, page 363 paragraph 8

… of Jehovah; but, apparently deeming him far above out of their sight, while they distantly viewed him with a decent, ineffective reverence, they addicted themselves …

23852 The American Sentinel 9 December 13, 1894, page 386 paragraph 12

… worshiping Jehovah on the seventh day, the day dedicated to his worship, and yet they refused to bow down, and the “Judge of all the earth” sanctioned their refusal …

23853 The American Sentinel 10 May 30, 1895, page 169 paragraph 8

… great Jehovah, who, from the smoking top of Mount Sinai, proclaimed to all the world, ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; in it thou shalt not do any work.’” Neal …

23854 The American Sentinel 10 June 6, 1895, page 178 paragraph 15

Whose laws conflict with Jehovah’s.

23855 The American Sentinel 10 June 6, 1895, page 178 paragraph 47

Canst thou fetter the feet of Jehovah

23857 The American Sentinel 10 September 19, 1895, page 289 paragraph 21

… of Jehovah. Satan was the first one who set up his will in opposition to that of the Creator. The papacy, actuated by the same spirit of self, has done likewise …

23858 The American Sentinel 10 December 12, 1895, page 386 paragraph 3

… God, Jehovah? or Baal? We quote from the narrative given in the eighteenth chapter of 1 Kings:—

23859 The American Sentinel 10 December 12, 1895, page 386 paragraph 6

… whether Jehovah or Baal was the true God. But that was not the final end of the controversy. A like controversy is agitating the religious world to-day; the same …

23860 The American Sentinel 10 December 12, 1895, page 386 paragraph 8

… of Jehovah must be “in spirit and in truth .” The Saviour said, “In vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” John 4:24. Matthew 15:9 .