Search for: stupid

161 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 13 (1898), Lt 62, 1898, par. 4

… their stupidity, to awaken out of sleep, and stand firmly one for another with heart and soul. Those who will stand to do the work God has appointed them in this …

162 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 16 (1901), Ms 50, 1901, par. 27

… and stupidity will no longer endanger faith. There will be seen spiritual elasticity and vigorous growth.

163 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 16 (1901), Ms 86, 1901, par. 25

… and stupid, incapable of appreciating spiritual things. The habits of eating have much to do with the many dull religious exercises of the Sabbath. The diet …

164 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 18 (1903), Lt 259, 1903, par. 18

… spiritual stupidity. Evil spirits are actively engaged in seeking to control the minds of human beings. Men are binding up in bundles, ready to be consumed …

165 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 20 (1905), Lt 183, 1905, par. 7

The stupidity of soul that has been evidenced in our plans must now cease to bear away the victory. “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” [ Mark 8:36, 37 .]

167 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 25 (1910 - 1915), Ms 59, 1910, par. 1

… , a stupidity, and weakening of the intellect. Professional and literary men should always insist upon food prepared with tact and skill in the place of food …

168 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 25 (1910 - 1915), Ms 66, 1910, par. 8

… spiritual stupidity. Let those in our cities who profess to believe the truth for this time wake up and give to others what the Lord has given them.

169 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 25 (1910 - 1915), Ms 72, 1910, par. 29

… are stupid and indifferent and they do not seem to take hold of what they can.

170 Ellen G. White: The Early Years: 1827-1862 (vol. 1), p. 28.4 (Arthur Lacey White)

… a stupid state [a coma] for three weeks. No one thought I would live except my mother. For some reason she felt that I would not die.— Ibid., 2:8 .

171 Ellen G. White: The Early Years: 1827-1862 (vol. 1), p. 417.3 (Arthur Lacey White)

… been stupid and careless these many years, since his fall, but has been learning. He has grown more artful. His plans are laid deeper, and are more covered with …

172 Ellen G. White: The Early Years: 1827-1862 (vol. 1), p. 449.4 (Arthur Lacey White)

… a stupid uncertainty upon the subject of organization. This is as might be expected from the circumstances connected with the introduction of the subject …

173 Ellen White: Woman of Vision, p. 80.3 (Arthur Lacey White)

… a stupid uncertainty upon the subject of organization. This is as might be expected from the circumstances connected with the introduction of the subject …

174 The Story of Redemption, p. 1.245

… being stupid.

175 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. ACCIDENT.4 (Noah Webster)

All of them, in his opinion, owe their being, to fate, accident, or the blind action of stupid matter.

176 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. ACUTE.3 (Noah Webster)

2. Figuratively, applied to mental powers; penetrating; having nice discernment; perceiving or using minute distinctions; opposed to dull or stupid; as an acute reasoner.

177 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. ADIPOSE.1 (Noah Webster)

ADIPOSE, ADIPOUS, a. [L. adiposus, from adeps, fat. Heb. fat, gross, stupid.]

178 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. ANIMAL.5 (Noah Webster)

By way of contempt, a dull person is called a stupid animal.

179 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. ARISE.10 (Noah Webster)

Figuratively, to wake from a state of sin and stupidity; to repent.

180 Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, p. ASS.2 (Noah Webster)

… to stupidity, and carries a heavy burden. He is slow, but very sure footed, and for this reason very useful on rough steep hills.