Search for: different order angels

141 Modern Spiritualism, p. 68.2 (Uriah Smith)

… and different order of beings. But the evil angels, led by the father of lies, and cradled, and skilled, and polished, in the school of lying, would be delighted …

142 Synopsis of the Present Truth, p. 62.1 (Uriah Smith)

… third angel’s message brings out a company who are distinguished as keepers of the commandments of God, the inquiry is a natural one in what respect obedience …

143 The Atonement, p. 126.2 (James M. Stephenson)

… highest orders of men and angels in his primeval nature. He must therefore be understood as being the Son of God in a much higher sense than any other being …

144 Fathers of the Catholic Church, p. 238.2 (Ellet Joseph Waggoner)

… these orders who act under the government of the devil, and obey his wicked commands, will in a future world be converted to righteousness because of their …

145 General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 1 February 16, 1897, page 45 paragraph 1

… the angels, and then Jesus made a little lower than the angels, what was the difference? — There is none. When God made Adam by his Word, the Word was made flesh. As …

146 The Present Truth, vol. 4 March 15, 1888, page 83 paragraph 2

… an angel from heaven would bring a curse upon himself if he should teach anything different. Galatians 1:8 .

147 The Present Truth, vol. 10 May 3, 1894, page 277 paragraph 8

… would differ from the former only in details, and not in its general tone. There would be seen the same frequency of departure from God, the same hatred and intolerance …

148 The Signs of the Times, vol. 10 August 21, 1884, page 505 paragraph 8

… an angel from heaven would bring a curse upon himself if he should teach anything different. Galatians 1:8 .

149 The Signs of the Times, vol. 13 January 27, 1887, page 59 paragraph 4

… a difference between the nature of angels and the nature of men. But it shows also a difference between the nature of Christ and that of angels. Christ did not …

150 The Signs of the Times, vol. 16 August 18, 1890, page 450 paragraph 36

… the difference between the prayers of the prophets of Baal, and that of Elijah. 1 Kings 18:26-29, 36, 37. Consider the reverent calmness of the prayer of Christ …

152 Angels: Their Nature and Ministry, p. 22.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… and order. Then do not nature and reason teach us that the angels must be subject to law and order in all their doings, and that there must be different grades …

153 Angels: Their Nature and Ministry, p. 23.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… , are different orders of angels. We may further conclude that each company is subject to its commander, and he to one higher, till we reach the Commander-in-chief …

154 Vindication of the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Unjust, p. 93.1 (Joseph Harvey Waggoner)

… a difference between the judgment, either for or against a party, and the execution of its decisions. From this it has been argued that there will be no judgment …

155 A Brief Exposition of the Angels of Revelation XIV, p. 1.2 (James Springer White)

Different chains of important events, such as the trumpets, seals, churches and angels, beginning at a given point, and leading down the stream of time to a definite …

156 Brother Miller’s Dream, p. 6.1 (James Springer White)

… , by different individuals, for their termination. In doing this they have removed the “landmarks,” and have thrown darkness and doubt over the whole advent …

157 The Sounding of the Seven Trumpets of Revelation 8 and 9, p. 14.3 (James Springer White)

… third angel sounded;—and a third name is associated with the downfall of the Roman empire. The sounding of the trumpets manifestly denotes the order of the …

158 Signs of the Times and Expositor of Prophecy [Himes], vol. 4 March 1, 1843, page 185 paragraph 2

… fed differently, with meat in due season, and of such kind, too, as would make them fat and fair, seeing they would so soon have to stand in the presence of the great …

159 The Advent Herald, and Signs of the Times Reporter [Himes], vol. 8 October 30, 1844, page 92 paragraph 1

… six different stages, and has entered fully into the seventh and last stage, i.e., the Laodicean—she is now neither cold nor hot.—Six of the seals are opened, and …

160 The Present Truth, vol. 1 May 1850, page 74 paragraph 1

… , by different individuals, for their termination. In doing this they have removed the “landmarks,” and have thrown darkness and doubt over the whole advent …