Search for: study great controversy

121 Basic Rules of Interpretation-Internal and External, p. 2.2 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… of ‘Great Controversy.’” If this 1911 statement had been more fully studied and more broadly published, it might have prevented much misunderstanding through …

122 Basic Rules of Interpretation-Internal and External, p. 2.4 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… the great controversy in our day between truth and error.

123 Basic Rules of Interpretation-Internal and External, p. 18.1 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… the great controversy in heaven with that in Patriarchs and Prophets. See Alden Thompson, “The Theology of Ellen White: The Great Controversy Story,” Adventist …

124 The Bible, Science, and Age of the Earth, p. 10.7 (Paul A. Gordon)

… The Great Controversy in 1910, preparatory to some revision, she did not change seven 6000 year statements or three 4000 year statements. Other points were …

125 Compilations—What They Are and What They Are Not, p. 1.4 (Norma J. Collins)

… The Great Controversy provides a case study of a compilation produced while Ellen White was alive. Mrs. White wrote the first little 219-page book on the great

126 A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health, p. 120.15 (Ellen G. White Estate)

Controversy was written, Mother never thought that the readers would take it as authority on historical dates or use it to settle controversy regarding …

127 Ellen G. White Statements Relating to Geology and Earth Sciences, p. 13 (Ellen Gould White)

were continued in the 1911 edition, prepared under the supervision of Ellen White.) (13) 1888. The Great Controversy, 518. The great controversy between …

128 Ellen G. White Statements Relating to Geology and Earth Sciences, p. 14 (Ellen Gould White)

… . The Great Controversy, 518, 1911 ed. The great controversy between Christ and Satan, that has been carried forward for nearly six thousand years, is soon to …

129 Ellen White’s Last Four Books, p. 3.2 (Arthur Lacey White)

… The Great Controversy was completed. Clarence Crisler would assemble materials on the life of Paul. He would take the 1883 E. G. White book, Sketches From the …

130 How The Desire of Ages Was Written, p. 5.3 (Robert W. Olson)

… The Great Controversy, the main outlines were made very clear and plain to her, and when she came to write up these topics, she was left to study the Bible and …

131 The Truth About The White Lie, p. 5.7 (Ellen G. White Estate & Biblical Research Institute)

… the great controversy, J. N. Andrews asked her if she had read Milton’s epic. She assured him she had not, so he brought a copy to her home. This was not at all unusual …

132 The Truth About The White Lie

… in Great Controversy, the main outlines were made very clear and plain to her, and when she began to develop these topics, she was left to study the Bible and …

133 The Truth About The White Lie, p. 12.10 (Ellen G. White Estate & Biblical Research Institute)

… . McAdams’s study of the Huss chapter in The Great Controversy is likewise available. What has not been released for publication are a number of the pages …

134 Why Did Ellen G. White Borrow?

The great events occurring in the life of our Lord were presented to her in panoramic scenes as also were the other portions of the Great Controversy. In a …

135 The Great Controversy -- Study Guide, p. 1 (Ellen G. White Estate)

The Great Controversy — Study Guide

136 EGW Index, vols. 1-4 (Topical Index), Illumination.11

Illumination, study of historical records of Christianity by, of Spirit in reading Great Controversy GC 11

137 History of Protestantism, vol. 1, p. 86.2 (James Aitken Wylie)

… the controversy. They pleaded the sanction of the Savior for their begging. Christ and the apostles, said they, were mendicants, and lived on alms. This led men …

138 History of Protestantism, vol. 2, p. 37.1 (James Aitken Wylie)

… of “controversial studies.” “Phlegetonteam illam et credelem Lutheranae virulentiea pestem.” (Epistola ad Jo. Eccium, 1527.) See the documents in extenso in Gerdesius …

139 History of Protestantism, vol. 2, p. 479.5 (James Aitken Wylie)

… a controversy, in which they felt sure of triumphing. A few attempts, however, convinced them that victory was not to be so easily won as they had fondly thought …

140 History of Protestantism, vol. 3, p. 157.2 (James Aitken Wylie)

… so great a Power? Sir William Temple, who had studied with the breadth of a statesman, and the insight of a philosopher, both the rise and the fall of the United …