Search for: Globe

1201 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 February 22, 1895, page 307 paragraph 8

… the globe, and found a home on every grand division of the earth.

1202 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 March 3, 1895, page 430 paragraph 5

… the globe, because of the spirit of progress that permeates the empire. The present emperor is undoubtedly one of the most progressive monarchs in the Orient …

1203 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 December 1895, page 612 paragraph 3

… the globe. Never was it making such rapid progress. The earth is already beholding this light in nearly all nations. How gladly should all true soldiers rejoice …

1204 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 April 1, 1896, page 695 paragraph 4

… the globe, numbering its adherents in almost every nation of earth, and commanding the respectful attention and careful consideration of all serious minds …

1205 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1 October 1, 1896, page 759 paragraph 4

… the globe. In thirty-one different languages and dialects is the printed page going to earth’s remotest bounds, freighted with the message of God for to-day …

1206 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 October 1, 1899, page 91 paragraph 2

… the globe will be led to follow her example.”

1207 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 April 1, 1900, page 151 paragraph 5

… the globe; that we are better able to maintain missions abroad than from any other organized center. However this may be, we are not to speculate; for the Lord …

1208 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3 July 1, 1900, page 168 paragraph 5

… the globe. He has planted facilities for the education of our children, that they may receive a preparation to go out, and in a public manner declare the truths …

1209 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 4, 1901, page 47 paragraph 6

… entire globe is included—not simply a small portion on the American continent known as the United States, and a portion in the South; but the whole world—“every …

1210 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 4, 1901, page 48 paragraph 4

… the globe, and the great bulk of means has been expended in this part of the world. The great facilities that we have established are almost wholly in this part …

1211 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 8, 1901, page 117 paragraph 7

… the globe are men and women who love the third angel’s message just as much as you do. They are working just as hard to extend the work. They are there grappling …

1212 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 15, 1901, page 229 paragraph 6

… the globe, simply to run about and spend a few weeks in a country. We should select the best men we can get—men full of the Holy Ghost and good sense. These should …

1213 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 16, 1901, page 272 paragraph 4

… the globe? We felt them in Australia, and when we got the BULLETINS, and began to read, our hearts were stirred, and I have seen our brethren sit and read those messages …

1214 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 19, 1901, page 341 paragraph 14

… the globe—certainly in every place which is considered to be a country in which missionaries can labor.

1215 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4 April 22, 1901, page 390 paragraph 23

… the globe. Here for the last twenty centuries the most important events of the world’s history have taken place; here the greatest powers are still located …

1216 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 5 March 31, 1903, page 24 paragraph 4

… the globe was absolutely unknown. At the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign, practically nothing was known of the interior of China and Japan, Central Asia …

1217 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6 May 14, 1909, page 11 paragraph 9

“Its aim is avowedly to run the earth; and small though the denomination still is, it has its missionaries scattered through every region of the globe.”

1218 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6 May 20, 1909, page 87 paragraph 20

… the globe the salutary influences of advanced and enlightened civilization. For more than four hundred years, explorers have been going forth from the …

1219 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6 May 20, 1909, page 87 paragraph 21

… the globe. Not only has she enriched the world by carrying forward successfully a stupendous and superb scheme of colonization and empire, but she has also …

1220 General Conference Bulletin, vol. 6 May 23, 1909, page 115 paragraph 8

… the globe, in fact it is said that one part of Java is the most densely populated district in the world. The island is 635 miles in length, and about 100 miles in …