Search for: medical evangelism

101 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 23 (1908), Ms 59, 1908, par. 40

… the evangelical and medical work. Were men outside of New England to have a controlling voice in your organization and plans, great perplexity would attend …

102 Ellen G. White: The Australian Years: 1891-1900 (vol. 4), p. 428.2 (Arthur Lacey White)

… Australasian Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. The school is evangelical, but highly scientific.

103 Ellen G. White: The Early Elmshaven Years: 1900-1905 (vol. 5), p. 90.6 (Arthur Lacey White)

… true evangelical spirit in all departments of the work, to build up the ministry of the word, and to act as teachers of the gospel message in all parts of the …

105 Ellen White: Woman of Vision, p. 340.3 (Arthur Lacey White)

… Australasian Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. The school is evangelical, but highly scientific.

106 Ellen White: Woman of Vision, p. 390.1 (Arthur Lacey White)

… true evangelical spirit in all departments of the work, to build up the ministry of the word, and to act as teachers of the gospel message in all parts of the …

107 The Three Angels’ Messages, p. 177.3 (Ellen Gould White)

… , for evangelical workers to learn how to minister to the necessities of the body as well as of the soul, thus following the example of Christ, yet they cannot …

108 There Shines A Light, p. 69.2 (Arthur Whitefield Spalding)

… business—evangelism, publishing, production and distribution of literature, health and medical work, education, as well as the more personal yet contributory …

109 A Prophet Among You, p. 390.7 (T. Housel Jemison)

Books that are aids to better service: Testimonies to Ministers, Gospel Workers, Christian Service, Evangelism, Counsels on Stewardship, Colporteur Ministry, Counsels on Sabbath School Work, Welfare Ministry, Medical Ministry .

110 A Prophet Among You, p. 437.2 (T. Housel Jemison)

… , and Evangelism. Prospective physicians and nurses should study The Ministry of Healing, Medical Ministry, and Counsels on Health. Future teachers should …

111 A Prophet Among You, p. 453 (T. Housel Jemison)

… Opinions Evangelism Jewelry Opportunities Exercise Judgment Overcoming Extremes Justification Overwork Faith Kindness Papacy Familiarity Kingdom …

112 Ellen G. White and Her Critics, p. 23.1 (Francis D. Nichol)

… for evangelism, and challenging the movement on to world missions. And it was her voice, often heard alone, that called insistently and persuasively for schools …

113 Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant, p. 81.8 (Arthur Lacey White)

… the medical department of our work, not only in professional lines, but as an important branch of lay evangelism, the trustees, recognizing the value of such …

114 Messenger of the Lord, p. 241 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… in evangelism in New England and Canada. He opened work in California, and organized French-speaking churches in Wisconsin and Illinois. Later he engaged …

115 Messenger of the Lord, p. 256.2 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… American Evangelicalism: “The Seventh-day Adventist movement cannot be understood apart from its history. Of course, the theological positions on which …

116 Messenger of the Lord, p. 336.1 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… International Medical Society: Health Evangelism Study Guide (Siloam Springs, Ark.: Creation Enterprises International, 1991), chapter 8, p. 4. Adventist men …

117 Messenger of the Lord, p. 435.4 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… to evangelism, in this country and the world over; in the Adventist habit of unselfish support of this worldwide outreach; in its community help work; in its …

118 Messenger of the Lord, p. 517.6 (Herbert E. Douglass)

… world evangelism, toward rendering service to non-Adventists in community welfare work, toward health and medical service, and toward educational counsel …

119 The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, p. 354.1 (Arthur Grosvenor Daniells)

… given medical missionary work in plans for gospel evangelism, as set forth by the spirit of prophecy, has been noted in a foregoing chapter. At first, when we …

120 Understanding Ellen White, p. 123.1 (Dr. Merlin Burt)

… ); EGW, Medical Ministry (1932); EGW, A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education (1933); EGW, Counsels on Diet and Foods (1938); EGW, Counsels on Sabbath School …