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561 The Signs of the Times July 11, 1895, paragraph 11

… of Jehovah. When the advocates of truth reveal the efficiency of truth in their life and character, a blow is struck against the kingdom of Satan.

562 The Signs of the Times August 15, 1895, paragraph 2

… of Jehovah. Christ was the brightness of his Father's glory, and in order that he might abide with him through the ceaseless ages of eternity, he came to the …

563 The Signs of the Times November 14, 1895, paragraph 1

… of Jehovah are not in favor with the world, or with professed Christians who are making void the law of God. Abel kept the commandment of the Lord, and was hated …

564 The Signs of the Times November 14, 1895, paragraph 2

… that Jehovah had a law, and he determined that he would keep that law as the apple of his eye. He recognized the fact that he was amenable to the Lawgiver, and he …

566 The Signs of the Times November 14, 1895, paragraph 8

… which Jehovah has marked out for them? Obedience to God's commandments places the feet of man in the royal path that leads to holiness and heaven. Paul inquires …

567 The Signs of the Times November 14, 1895, paragraph 9

… of Jehovah, to remove the ancient landmarks, and substitute in place of the true guideboards false waymarks that will lead men to follow the path of the first …

568 The Signs of the Times January 2, 1896, paragraph 3

… of Jehovah. In the plan of salvation the highest honor is paid to the law of heaven's government, and yet mercy is freely dispensed to the fallen sons of Adam …

569 The Signs of the Times January 9, 1896, paragraph 5

… of Jehovah, have another spirit. They are following the leadership of him who first brought sin into the world, and who has worked, and is still working, with …

570 The Signs of the Times January 9, 1896, paragraph 7

… of Jehovah, are unreconciled to those who magnify the law of God, calling it holy, just, and good. They manifest the same spirit of bitterness, malice, and hate …

571 The Signs of the Times January 9, 1896, paragraph 8

… of Jehovah, and are following the course of Cain in offering that which God has never commanded, and in ignoring a plain command which he has given. Those who …

572 The Signs of the Times April 2, 1896, paragraph 2

… of Jehovah, the moral attributes are deformed. “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.”

573 The Signs of the Times April 30, 1896, paragraph 1

… of Jehovah. If a man is born of God, he will respect the principles of the divine government, and will not wilfully transgress the law of God in thought, or word …

574 The Signs of the Times April 30, 1896, paragraph 2

… of Jehovah, place themselves under the banner of the prince of darkness. Satan began the work of rebellion in heaven by opposition to the constitution and …

575 The Signs of the Times June 18, 1896, paragraph 8

… Lord Jehovah accepts the argument that is presented in the name of his Son, and places the resources of his merit at your command. It is our privilege and duty …

577 The Signs of the Times August 6, 1896, paragraph 4

… of Jehovah, he suffered rebuke and censure. His brethren reproved him for standing aloof from the ceremonies that were taught by the rabbis; for they regarded …

578 The Signs of the Times September 17, 1896, paragraph 4

… Lord Jehovah is “everlasting strength.”

580 The Signs of the Times November 12, 1896, paragraph 11

The human agent is to compare his life with the character of Jesus Christ, and through the grace which he imparts to all true believers, seek to reach the perfection of his example who lived the law of Jehovah.