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461 The Signs of the Times July 26, 1883, paragraph 19

… Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.”

462 The Signs of the Times January 17, 1884, paragraph 11

… of Jehovah; and all through the religious world the false Sabbath is revered, while the true one is trampled beneath unholy feet. But will the Lord degrade …

463 The Signs of the Times February 28, 1884, paragraph 9

… of Jehovah, and in its stead exalt one of his own creation. And when the Christian world set aside God's holy Sabbath, and in its place accept a common working …

464 The Signs of the Times February 28, 1884, paragraph 10

… of Jehovah. God spoke this law from Sinai in awful grandeur, in the hearing of all Israel, and he wrote it with his own fingers upon tables of stone, not for his …

465 The Signs of the Times April 3, 1884, paragraph 8

… of Jehovah, place themselves in the ranks of the enemies of Christ, and use their influence to destroy rather than to save souls. They second Satan in his efforts …

466 The Signs of the Times May 1, 1884, paragraph 4

… of Jehovah, are all written in living characters. Every selfish act will be exposed.

467 The Signs of the Times June 12, 1884, paragraph 4

… , when Jehovah proclaimed, “Here shall thy proud waves be stayed,” and the waters were rolled together, forming a solid wall. They forgot that while they had crossed …

468 The Signs of the Times July 17, 1884, paragraph 3

… of Jehovah. While they are holy, judged by their own imperfect standard, the Scriptures present them as sinful Pharisees, under the condemnation of the law …

470 The Signs of the Times July 24, 1884, paragraph 13

… of Jehovah. Do not harbor the thought that some of the things taught in the Bible are nonessential. “To the law and to the testimony” for proof. The problems of …

471 The Signs of the Times July 31, 1884, paragraph 15

… of Jehovah, and this light shines even upon us. The assurance given to Christ is assurance to every repenting, believing, obedient child of God that he is accepted …

472 The Signs of the Times August 14, 1884, paragraph 5

… of Jehovah; and Moses’ prayer was answered, because God is reasonable and compassionate. The sorrows of his people touch his heart of love; and will he not hear …

473 The Signs of the Times September 11, 1884, paragraph 5

… of Jehovah. He is not ignorant of their self-will and self-sufficiency. He marks their course in despising the blood of the covenant that has been provided …

474 The Signs of the Times December 18, 1884, paragraph 3

… asserted Jehovah's right to be the only God in Israel. Repeated warnings were given only to be disregarded. The people were captivated by the gorgeous display …

475 The Signs of the Times December 18, 1884, paragraph 6

… of Jehovah's threatenings, then let nature be exalted above the God of nature. If Baal can bring showers of rain; if he can clothe the fields with verdure, and …

476 The Signs of the Times February 5, 1885, paragraph 7

… which Jehovah rested after the great work of creation, and which he blessed and sanctified, was as sacredly observed by him upon the lonely isle as it had been …

478 The Signs of the Times March 4, 1886, paragraph 8

… test Jehovah's might against a heathen giant, that he might “take away the reproach from Israel.” This was the divine plan for distinguishing David, Israel's …

479 The Signs of the Times April 8, 1886, paragraph 9

… of Jehovah have even gone so far in Sabbath desecration as to unite in partnership with those who have no respect for the Sabbath. The professed Sabbath-keeper …

480 The Signs of the Times April 15, 1886, paragraph 4

… of Jehovah! It is so brief that we can easily commit every precept to memory, and yet so far-reaching as to express the whole will of God, and to take cognizance …