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421 The Signs of the Times May 13, 1880, Art. A, paragraph 10

… to Jehovah! Aaron himself “made proclamation and said, Tomorrow, is a feast to the Lord. And they rose up early on the morrow, and offered burnt-offerings, and brought …

422 The Signs of the Times May 27, 1880, paragraph 7

… of Jehovah's wrath come upon the people for whom he had wrought such wonders.

423 The Signs of the Times June 10, 1880, paragraph 6

… great Jehovah. The children of Israel who had transgressed the first and second commandments, were charged not to be seen anywhere near the mount, where God …

425 The Signs of the Times July 8, 1880, paragraph 2

… of Jehovah, which is very plain: “Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work …

428 The Signs of the Times November 18, 1880, paragraph 13

… how Jehovah had displayed his power and majesty in bringing his people from the house of bondage. The destruction of Pharaoh and his hosts, the mighty manifestations …

429 The Signs of the Times November 18, 1880, paragraph 19

… Lord Jehovah, the only true and living God.”

430 The Signs of the Times November 25, 1880, paragraph 6

… Lord Jehovah. Hence he was not to be permitted to speak as he chose, but must deliver the message which God should give him. The Lord saw in this pretentious prophet …

431 The Signs of the Times January 6, 1881, paragraph 2

… mighty Jehovah, was the God whom they should serve. He had commanded Moses not to make war upon Moab or Midian, for their cup of iniquity was not yet full. Additional …

432 The Signs of the Times March 3, 1881, paragraph 2

… of Jehovah's presence, the hearts of Israel failed with fear, and the whole congregation “stood afar off.” Even Moses exclaimed, “I exceedingly fear and quake …

433 The Signs of the Times March 10, 1881, paragraph 2

… of Jehovah to their fathers, the present congregation of Israel were too young to comprehend the awful grandeur and solemnity of the occasion. Their fathers …

434 The Signs of the Times June 2, 1881, paragraph 4

… represent Jehovah, and thus idolatry spread like a plague throughout the land.

435 The Signs of the Times June 9, 1881, paragraph 5

… to Jehovah. These were constantly growing in courage and true godliness. They clung to the Lord more firmly as they saw the apostasy of their brethren. Their …

436 The Signs of the Times June 23, 1881, Art. A, paragraph 21

… to Jehovah, over the rock on which the offering had been consumed, and then to offer a sacrifice unto the Lord. Gideon faithfully carried out these directions …

437 The Signs of the Times June 23, 1881, Art. A, paragraph 23

… of Jehovah as the only true and living God.

438 The Signs of the Times June 30, 1881, paragraph 6

… of Jehovah. As a people, they had little faith in God. Many were suffering the reproaches of a guilty conscience.

439 The Signs of the Times August 18, 1881, paragraph 7

… -insulted Jehovah, he pointed them to the gods of their choice, and bade them cry to these deities for help.

440 The Signs of the Times August 18, 1881, paragraph 9

… of Jehovah will rest upon all; and that voice which amid the thunders of Sinai spake to man, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me”—that voice will answer the …