Search for: Jehova*

421 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 83, 1900, par. 12

… of Jehovah choose the side of disobedience, and will lose a heaven of bliss.

422 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 86, 1900, par. 28

… of Jehovah. They have been oppressed by all the powers of the earth. They have been scattered in the dens and caves of the earth through the violence of their …

423 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 90, 1900, par. 14

… to Jehovah and our Redeemer Jesus Christ who came to our world to live the law of God, than to assume the generous attitude that God’s bounties are to be given …

424 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 107a, 1900, par. 2

… of Jehovah. He would suggest things, present it to the heavenly angels, and then they, supposing he was in harmony with God and the Prince of heaven, would express …

425 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 118, 1900, par. 18

… of Jehovah. Shall we for a moment credit the assumption that the world is keeping the law of God, and that we are to give up the Sabbath for the first day of the …

426 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 122, 1900, par. 21

… of Jehovah. Those who are charmed with this kind of salvation will find themselves left out of the ranks, for they have forsaken the way of the living God. Gradually …

427 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 124, 1900, par. 38

… of Jehovah. You have so long conformed to a standard of worldly policy that a great change must take place in you both, if you are saved through sanctification …

428 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 131, 1900, par. 14

… of Jehovah. God will be honored and His government vindicated and glorified, and that in the presence of the inhabitants of the unfallen worlds. On the largest …

429 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 131, 1900, par. 22

… of Jehovah. As the impenitent look upon the cross of Calvary, the scales fall from their eyes, and they see that which before they would not see. The law, God’s …

430 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Lt 162, 1900, par. 18

… of Jehovah, and souls perish because of their unfaithfulness. The blood of these souls will be upon their heads. God will call them to account for their unfaithfulness …

431 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 10, 1900, par. 22

… of Jehovah. The Sabbath is the sign between God and His people, and we are to make visible our conformity to the law of God by observing the Sabbath. It is to be …

432 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 16, 1900, par. 4

… to Jehovah. John beholds the loyal people of God, and he exclaims, “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith …

433 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 16, 1900, par. 9

… of Jehovah. The man of sin sits in the seat of God, proclaiming himself to be God, and acting above God.

434 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 21, 1900, par. 13

… Lord Jehovah did not deem the plan of salvation complete while invested only with His own love. By His appointment He has placed at His altar an Advocate clothed …

435 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 23, 1900, par. 18

… of Jehovah. Satan has put his mark upon men. Under his influence they work to perpetuate transgression. Satan was once the highest of created beings, occupying …

436 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 27, 1900, par. 31

… of Jehovah, he can never enter heaven; for he is living in direct opposition to God. He will receive punishment in accordance with the power of influence which …

437 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 27, 1900, par. 36

… of Jehovah, and Satan has deceived them, to their ruin. They have received the falsehoods framed by him to make of none effect God’s commands. As they stand before …

438 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 29, 1900, par. 19

… of Jehovah. The confederacies of the enemy’s army are triumphing in their delay. Will they longer remain under the condemnation of the law? Or will they stand …

439 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 30, 1900, par. 22

… of Jehovah and cooperate with Him, witness is borne of them before the heavenly universe that they are true workers God’s ordinances and work are given to

440 Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 15 (1900), Ms 33, 1900, par. 5

… of Jehovah. They, the shepherds of the flock, destroy the plain paths. When the Lord sends His message of advanced truth, presenting that which is food for His …