Search for: His divinity

481 The Messenger April 26, 1893, paragraph 3

… has his part to act with the divine worker, or the heavenly building cannot be completed. All the power is of God; yet all the responsibility rests with the human …

482 The Messenger April 26, 1893, paragraph 4

… as his personal Saviour, accepting of his righteousness by faith, the sinner becomes a partaker of the divine nature, and escapes the corruption that is in …

483 The Messenger May 10, 1893, paragraph 2

… , through his divine substitute and surety, renders obedience to the law of God. Mercy granted to man is the reward of the merit of Christ, who gave Himself for …

484 The Messenger June 7, 1893, paragraph 3

… the divine promise. Before the life of toil and sorrow which sin had brought upon them was depicted before them, before the decree that the wages of sin is death …

485 The Messenger June 7, 1893, paragraph 6

… the divine law, God could not, even to save the lost race, change that law. God is love, and to change the law would be to deny Himself, to overthrow those principles …

486 The Needs of the Cause in Australasia July 4, 1903, paragraph 12

… , are divinely-appointed agencies that will bring into the truth those who will be producers as well as consumers. In our medical institutions the helpers …

487 The Needs of the Cause in Australasia July 4, 1903, paragraph 29

… the divine image by a constant manifestation of benevolence. This work began in the heavenly courts. There God decided to give human beings an unmistakable …

488 The Needs of the Cause in Australasia July 4, 1903, paragraph 32

… of His power to heal physical disease. He made each work of healing an occasion of implanting in the heart the divine principles of His love and benevolence …

489 The New York Indicator February 28, 1900, paragraph 1

… use his goods to advance his glory. You then are ministering, not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Then human lives will be blessed …

490 The New York Indicator February 7, 1906, paragraph 2

… its divine origin. We are to follow on to know the Lord, that we may know that his going forth is prepared as the morning.

491 North Pacific Union Gleaner December 4, 1907, paragraph 3

Divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue. We all, with open …

492 North Pacific Union Gleaner December 18, 1907, paragraph 11

… provided divine assistance for all the emergencies to which our human resources are unequal. He gives the Holy Spirit to help in every strait, to strengthen …

493 North Pacific Union Gleaner January 29, 1908, paragraph 2

… the divine nature, and come to reflect the likeness of Christ. Contact with truth will elevate and ennoble him. That which is rough and coarse in his nature …

494 North Pacific Union Gleaner February 17, 1909, paragraph 4

… to his original state, to heal him, through divine power. Man's part is to lay hold by faith of the merits of Christ, and co-operate with the divine agencies in …

495 North Pacific Union Gleaner February 17, 1909, paragraph 9

… , the divine Teacher, sanctified himself for his work. He offered himself to God as a sacrifice for sin, giving his life for the life of the world. He would have …

496 North Pacific Union Gleaner March 16, 1910, paragraph 8

… of divine Providence. Christ has bidden his servants go out into all parts of the field. He will sustain every laborer who, in obedience to the command of our …

497 North Pacific Union Gleaner March 23, 1910, paragraph 8

… in his hand. Should he refuse to drink? Only through his sacrifice could the sinner be saved. Should the divine Sufferer refuse to drink of that cup trembling …

498 North Pacific Union Gleaner March 23, 1910, paragraph 10

… with his divine purposes, that they may be prepared to co-operate with heavenly intelligences in giving the last warning message to the world.

499 North Pacific Union Gleaner April 6, 1910, paragraph 3

… the divine Source of their strength, many will be overcome by the power of the enemy. Satanic agencies will surround the soul of him who cherishes a spirit …

500 North Pacific Union Gleaner April 6, 1910, paragraph 5

… of his divine Redeemer, and humble his heart before God! Then he may come to the Source of all strength, and plead for power to bear the burdens that are resting …