Search for: His divinity

461 The Life Boat September 1, 1909 paragraph 0

… from divinity. Therefore He laid aside the glory He had in heaven, and came to this world to unite in Himself divinity and humanity. With His Divinity He could …

462 The Life Boat September 1, 1909 paragraph 0

… upon His divinity, He will pardon all our transgressions, and will give us strength to live as He would have us. Many do not realize how important is the work …

463 The Medical Evangelist October 1, 1909, paragraph 6

… these divine truths. Some have advised that students should, after taking some work at Loma Linda, complete their medical education in worldly colleges …

464 The Medical Missionary May 1, 1891, paragraph 9

… of divine light from the Sun of Righteousness, and reflecting them to the world. The original publication had the spelling “intelligencies.”

465 The Medical Missionary June 1, 1891, paragraph 9

his divine power to human agencies, to diffuse his influence and extend it far and near. When one is allied to Christ, a partaker of the divine nature, his interest …

466 The Medical Missionary May 1, 1892, paragraph 1

… souls, divine and human agencies are to be combined. Those who profess to be the followers of Christ are to be laborers together with him. How great is the need …

467 The Medical Missionary May 1, 1892, paragraph 2

… the divine nature. How many among us have been stirred by the spirit of the Master to go forth and labor for this class of strangers who have been brought to …

468 The Medical Missionary May 1, 1892, paragraph 6

… is his revealed will? God has given us his word, he has left on record his commands and promises, he has revealed to us the plan whereby lost man may be saved, and …

469 The Medical Missionary May 1, 1892, paragraph 9

… a divine inspiration, a living reality. His soul is aroused to the needs of the cause of the Master, and in place of seeking to do less than he has hitherto done …

470 The Medical Missionary August 1, 1892, paragraph 4

… eat his flesh and drink his blood; unless we feed upon his word, which is spirit and life. We are to be as closely related to him as is the branch to the vine; for it …

471 The Medical Missionary August 1, 1892, paragraph 5

… through his poverty might become rich. He clothed his divinity with humanity, and came to the sin-cursed world to endure insult, reproach, mockery, rejection …

472 The Medical Missionary October 1, 1893, paragraph 2

… the divine power works with the human, and it is the divine that deserves all the credit.

473 The Medical Missionary October 1, 1893, paragraph 3

… with divine agencies. You are called to be active soldiers, to put on the divine armor, to put forth energy, divine power working with the human to break the spell …

474 The Medical Missionary October 1, 1893, paragraph 5

… the divine agency co-operating with our human efforts. We shall have a sense of our personal obligation, and the Lord will give us to feel what is due to ourselves …

475 The Medical Missionary October 1, 1893, paragraph 7

divine in their origin and character as the law of the ten commandments. Man is fearfully and wonderfully made; for Jehovah has inscribed his law by his own …

476 The Medical Missionary November 1, 1894, paragraph 1

… the divine? Why do we praise and glorify man, and leave God out of our reckoning? What human agent could or would have done one thousandth part of that which God …

477 The Medical Missionary January 1, 1903, paragraph 3

… property, his lent treasure. He now calls for part of it to help to advance his work in England. I pray that God will give you liberal hearts, that you may be led …

478 The Medical Missionary May 1, 1906, paragraph 6

… in his divine service, in order that the varied talents of many minds may be blended. The contact of mind tends to quicken thought and increase the capabilities …

479 The Messenger December 15, 1892, paragraph 2

his glory, stepped down from his throne, clothed his divinity with humanity, that with his human arm He might encircle the race, and with his divine arm reach …

480 The Messenger April 26, 1893, paragraph 1

… to his Father. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the divine relationship between God and the sinner is renewed. Our Heavenly Father says, “I will be to them …