Search for: His divinity

441 The Home Missionary June 1, 1897, Art. A, paragraph 15

… world, his divinity was clothed with humanity, that humanity might touch humanity, and divinity lay hold of the throne of divinity. Thus moral power was brought …

442 The Home Missionary June 1, 1897, Art. A, paragraph 26

… of his grace, placed in charge of his goods. The talent lent must be used, not for self-serving, but in devoted, whole-hearted service. For our sakes Christ became …

443 The Home Missionary July 1, 1897, Art. A, paragraph 6

… of his divinity in raising Lazarus from the dead. Through Christ the Father had been revealed to believers and unbelievers. If the disciples believed this …

444 The Home Missionary July 1, 1897, paragraph 18

… talent, his divine power will give us efficiency.

445 The Home Missionary July 1, 1897, paragraph 22

… through divine and human agencies. That one lamp, kept steadily burning with the golden oil, will light many candles.

446 The Home Missionary October 1, 1897, paragraph 1

… , while divinity laid hold upon divinity, that man might become Christlike, a partaker of the divine nature, escaping the corruption that is in the world through …

447 The Home Missionary October 1, 1897, paragraph 2

… the divine. But we cannot become Christlike if we continue to plan, to work, to live for ourselves, to use all our entrusted capabilities for our own gratification …

448 The Home Missionary November 1, 1897, Art. A, paragraph 5

… the divine altar. All have a lamp, and that lamp, filled with the golden oil received from the heavenly witnesses standing before the throne of God, will shed …

449 The Home Missionary November 1, 1897, Art. A, paragraph 7

… , and his work will abide. May the Lord help us to understand his divine will, and do it heartily, unflinchingly, and there will be joy in the Lord.

450 The Home Missionary November 1, 1897, paragraph 4

… to his will and developing characters after the divine similitude. None can have forgiveness without living the purity of character exemplified in Christ …

451 The Home Missionary November 1, 1897, paragraph 6

… of divine justice and holiness. “Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of …

452 The Home Missionary November 1, 1897, paragraph 10

… with divine power. But men who profess to know God are asleep, doing nothing. Those who flatter themselves that they are the children of God, are yet indifferent …

453 The Missionary Magazine February 1, 1898, paragraph 4

… as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue …

454 The Missionary Magazine February 1, 1898, paragraph 7

… for divine light, your own hearts will throb with the quickening influence of the grace of God; your own affections will glow with more divine fervor, and your …

455 Lake Union Herald December 9, 1908, paragraph 8

… cast His divine law aside; they have confounded the distinction between good and evil. But the world's Redeemer will have a church in which these essential …

456 Lake Union Herald December 23, 1908, paragraph 1

… that His people may connect with divine agencies, and that these agencies may cooperate with human instrumentalities. They may reveal to a world that is …

457 Lake Union Herald December 23, 1908, paragraph 3

… the divine presence is manifested, and to which is affixed God's seal.

458 Lake Union Herald April 21, 1909, paragraph 1

… engraved His ten commandments on tables of stone that all the inhabitants of the earth might understand His eternal and unchangeable character. Those …

459 Lake Union Herald April 21, 1909, paragraph 3

… the divine similitude. By studying the character of Christ revealed in the Word, by practicing His virtues, the believer will be changed into the same likeness …

460 Lake Union Herald April 21, 1909, paragraph 9

… the divine nature, and through the power that the grace of Christ imparts, overcomes the corruptions that are in the world through lust.