Search for: His divinity

4101 The Youth’s Instructor April 13, 1899, paragraph 3

… for his disciples, a victory was to be gained. This crowning miracle was to give the seal to his mission and divinity.

4102 The Youth’s Instructor May 4, 1899, paragraph 4

… with divinity. What human power can do, divine power is not summoned to do. God does not dispense with man's aid. He strengthens him, co-operating with him as he …

4103 The Youth’s Instructor May 4, 1899, paragraph 8

… speaks, divinity flashes through humanity. The people see in his face, which is lighted up by the glory of God, the assurance of his power. Every eye is fastened …

4104 The Youth’s Instructor May 4, 1899, paragraph 9

… do, divine power does not attempt to perform. The human worker is to co-operate with God. In God's order, humanity is to work for humanity. There is a work that God …

4105 The Youth’s Instructor May 11, 1899, paragraph 1

… of his divinity, a display of his power, that would lead them to accept him. But he knew that though, as the result of this miracle, many souls would afterward be …

4106 The Youth’s Instructor May 25, 1899, paragraph 11

… its divinity. The Holy Spirit impresses their minds by the manifestation of divine power. If received, the light sent from God leads to freedom, life, and salvation …

4107 The Youth’s Instructor June 8, 1899, paragraph 1

… the divine word is not to be treated indifferently, but that all who hear it are to be doers of it.

4108 The Youth’s Instructor July 13, 1899, paragraph 5

… the divine nature. He is a branch of the Living Vine. As in nature the branch receives nourishment by its connection with the parent stalk, so the believer receives …

4109 The Youth’s Instructor July 13, 1899, paragraph 6

… the divine nature. Unless man has a vital connection with God, he will pervert every blessing he receives, and employ every gracious gift as a weapon against …

4110 The Youth’s Instructor July 20, 1899, paragraph 3

… . Hiding his divinity, laying aside his glory, he was born a babe in Bethlehem. In human flesh he lived the law of God, that he might condemn sin in the flesh, and witness …

4111 The Youth’s Instructor July 20, 1899, paragraph 4

… clothe his divinity with humanity, and laying aside all the glory of his office, descend step after step in the path of humiliation, enduring severe and still …

4112 The Youth’s Instructor July 20, 1899, paragraph 7

What an exhibition of divine love! Thus Christ proclaimed the good news of pardon, even to his murderers. On the cross he revealed the love of the unknown God. There is mercy for all. The most hardened sinner, if he repents, will be forgiven.

4113 The Youth’s Instructor July 20, 1899, paragraph 10

… into his hands and feet. He was bearing the sins of the whole world, enduring our punishment,—the wrath of God against transgression. His trial involved the …

4114 The Youth’s Instructor July 27, 1899, paragraph 5

… of divine power, and this is the sinner's only hope. He gave his life that man might be a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is …

4115 The Youth’s Instructor August 10, 1899, paragraph 3

… of his hands not only a form resembling his own, but a mind capable of comprehending divine things. His understanding, his memory, his imagination,—every faculty …

4116 The Youth’s Instructor August 17, 1899, paragraph 3

… with his Spirit. Then our will is in perfect harmony with the divine will. Our spirit may be so identified with his Spirit that in thought and aim we shall be …

4118 The Youth’s Instructor August 31, 1899, paragraph 2

… of his will in his word, as far as human minds may grasp it, incorporated into the thoughts and woven into the character, will make efficient men and women. The …

4119 The Youth’s Instructor September 14, 1899, paragraph 1

… . Under his teaching, nature utters her voice to declare the wonderful works of God, and to reprove man's unbelief and his forgetfulness of his constant dependence …

4120 The Youth’s Instructor September 21, 1899, paragraph 1

… , clothing his divinity with humanity. But he was holy, even as God is holy. He was the sin-bearer, needing no atonement. Had he not been without spot or stain of sin …