Search for: His divinity

201 The Bible Echo October 31, 1898, paragraph 1

His royal throne, and clothed His divinity with humanity. He laid aside His royal robe, His kingly crown, that He might be one with us. He resigned His position …

202 The Bible Echo February 20, 1899, paragraph 3

… Him divine credentials, but their eyes were so blinded by prejudice that they could not discern the voice of the True Shepherd.

203 The Bible Echo February 20, 1899, paragraph 6

… counteract His influence, and make of none effect His teachings. They followed Him from place to place that they might misconstrue and misstate His words …

204 The Bible Echo February 20, 1899, paragraph 10

… of His countenance; that they may not see Christ in His goodness and mercy, His infinite compassion and unsurpassed love. He intercepts Himself by presenting …

205 The Bible Echo August 7, 1899, paragraph 1

… . Under His teaching, nature utters her voice to declare the wonderful works of God, and to reprove man's unbelief and his forgetfulness of his constant dependence …

206 The Bible Echo September 18, 1899, Art. A, paragraph 9

The divine Spirit puts the desire to engage in the work into the heart of the man whom He can qualify for that place. Some are fitted for one branch of the work …

207 The Bible Echo September 18, 1899, paragraph 14

… into his own experience and developed in his character, will be his strength, his courage, his life. The experience gained will be more benefit to him than all …

208 The Bible Echo September 18, 1899, paragraph 15

… this divine attendant will develop. They will be gifted with power to clothe the message of truth with a divine, sacred beauty. In all the self-denial and self …

209 The Bible Echo September 18, 1899, paragraph 17

… has His workmen in every age. The call of the hour is answered by the human agencies. Thus it will be when the divine voice cries, “Whom shall I send? and who will …

210 The Bible Echo November 20, 1899, paragraph 2

… prove His divine authority gave a representation of His character when there was no power to save, when no arm brought salvation. In the depths of omnipotent …

211 The Bible Echo November 20, 1899, paragraph 4

… as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue …

212 The Bible Echo May 21, 1900, paragraph 6

… off His royal robe and kingly crown, and gave up His command over all heaven. He clothed His divinity with humanity, that He might bear all the infirmities and …

213 The Bible Echo June 11, 1900, paragraph 7

His glory, not the glory of men, shall be manifested. It is His light that shines through His agencies. Providence and revelation work in divine harmony …

214 The Bible Echo July 23, 1900, paragraph 1

… up His honour and glory, and tasted the bitterness of death, that man might be a partaker of the divine nature. He died that all might have another trial, another …

215 The Bible Echo July 23, 1900, paragraph 4

… of His divine character shone out through His disguise. Satan could see through His humanity the glory and purity of the One with whom he had been associated …

216 The Bible Echo July 23, 1900, paragraph 6

His divine power had not yet come. He was fully aware of the glory He had with the Father before the world was. But then He willingly submitted to the Divine will …

217 The Bible Echo July 23, 1900, paragraph 10

… up his cross, and follow Me.” As I endured the test and trial, so you may endure it. He who is at last crowned conqueror must depend, as Christ did, upon divine power …

218 The Bible Echo September 3, 1900, paragraph 8

… as his own. The Saviour pledged His word to give His life in man's behalf. He laid aside His royal robe and clothed His divinity with humanity, that He might clothe …

219 The Bible Echo September 3, 1900, paragraph 11

… of His foe. When the last temptation came, when as Satan offered Christ all the world and the glory of it, if He would fall down and worship him, divinity flashed …

220 The Bible Echo September 3, 1900, paragraph 12

… heaven His head rested. Divine consolation flowed into His soul. The foe was vanquished. Humanity was placed on vantage ground. Christ had conquered. Those …