Discussion on the Sabbath Question



It seems that we are progressing. Bro. Grant has admitted [original illegible] in Romans 7 means the ten commands, and now he admits that this law was alive when Paul was converted. If the ten commands were alive, of course the fourth was alive. This is all we claim. Paul says, “I had not known sin but by the law.” An abolished law could not have made known sin, hence it is certain that the law was in full force when Paul was converted. DSQ63 29.4

My friend thinks the Sabbath cannot be binding, because he has been so blessed while disregarding it. This is evidently for want of better argument. Does God bless men only when they are right on every point? This argument would prove the soul immortal, consciousness of the dead, and endless misery. Let us try this rule. Bro. Grant goes to a certain place to preach that the soul is not immortal. One of his hearers rejects his testimony, because he has been so blessed while believing the opposite. The Elder replies that his reasoning is not good, for God blesses men because they are honest, and not always because they have all the truth. They are blessed because they are living out what light they have. DSQ63 30.1

I have not intimated that a man could not be an honest Christian unless he believed in the Sabbath. A man is not condemned until he is enlightened on the truth, and he chooses darkness rather than light. DSQ63 30.2

My friend objects that my authors did not keep the seventh day. So much the better witnesses. They were all keeping my friend’s first-day Sabbath, and yet they dare not deny so evident a truth as the perpetuity of the fourth commandment. President Mahan says, “Testimony in favor of truth from the ranks of its enemies constitutes the highest kind of evidence.” DSQ63 30.3

I am astonished at my friend’s denial that he has argued in this discussion that the ten commands were abolished. He now says the nine commands never were abolished. I regard this as backing square out. He has argued that the ten commands were the old covenant, which was done away. He has quoted 2 Corinthians 3:7, to show that the law written on stone was done away. He also quoted Romans 7. and remarked “The law is dead.” DSQ63 30.4

But now that he has taken back that position, or rather denied it, he has destroyed his own application of many of his best proof texts. DSQ63 30.5

He fays the old covenant did not forbid a roan to be at variance with his neighbor. That this is a mistake see Leviticus 19:18. “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord.” The last six commandment a of the decalogue are all to prevent any injustice to neighbor. DSQ63 31.1

He says the Sabbath was classed with the feast days, etc. Leviticus 23. It is true, the seventh day Sabbath is mentioned in the fame chapter with the feasts, but in verses 37 and 38 we find they were to keep all those feasts “Besides the Sabbaths of the Lord.” Here is a clear distinction made between those days. DSQ63 31.2

Scriptures are quoted to show that no man can be justified by the law. But is the law abolished because it will not justify those who have broken it? The apostle gives the reason why it will not justify. Romans 3:20. “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin” When sinners are justified by faith for their past sins, then it becomes true that “the doers of the law shall be justified.” Romans 2:13. DSQ63 31.3

In reply to the [original illegible] that Abraham did not keep the law, I will load Genesis 26:5. “Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge my commandments, my statures, and my laws.” DSQ63 31.4

The law that was added because of transgression, was the remedial law of types and ceremonies. It was the typical law that was the schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. But there is not a word in the decalogue that to Christ. The Sabbath pointed back to creation. DSQ63 31.5

My friend has repeated several times that if we show that the Sabbath is brought info this dispensation, he will the yield the question. Very well. I will again refer to Matthew 24:20. Christ taught his disciples to pray that their flight from Jerusalem should not happen on the Sabbath. This was to take place about forty years this side of the crucifixion. They must regard [original illegible] Sabbath at that time. It is of no use to try to evade this by saying that Christ taught them to pray that their flight might not happen on the Sabbath, because be foresaw that the Jews would have the gates locked, and would not let them out on that day. If the gates were locked no that they could not flee on the Sabbath, what need was need there of praying that their flight should not happen on that day? DSQ63 31.6