Discussion on the Sabbath Question



In entering upon the investigation of this question, it is important to have the question settled as to wherethe burden of proof lies. The following, from Whately’s Rhetoric, is to the point: DSQ63 4.4

“It is a point of great importance to decide in each case, at the outset of the discussion, in your own mind,and clearly to point out to the hearer, as occasion mayserve, on which side the presumption lies, and to whichbelongs the burden of proof. For, though it may often be expedient to bring forward more proofs than can fairly be demanded of you, it is always desirable when this is the case that it should be known, and the strength of the case estimated accordingly.” DSQ63 4.5

In regard to the burden of proof, Prof. Tappan says:“Any ancient institution is presumed to be well founded until its principles can be shown to be falseand mischievous; or it can be shown, by fraud or violence, to have supplanted a more ancient institution.In the latter case, the burden of proof falls upon the more modern, and the presumption lies in favor of the more ancient institution. It happens, sometimes, that those are called innovaters, who are in reality the advocates of what is truly ancient and venerable. If they prove this to be the fact, they of course transfer the burden of proof to where it justly belongs.” DSQ63 4.6

Again, he says: DSQ63 6.1

“There is a presumption in favor of the old opinion and established usage, and he who attacks the question assumes the burden of proof; and unless he can bring proof to the contrary, the old opinion and institution must stand.”-Tappan’s Logic, pp. 482, 487. DSQ63 6.2

Our question relates to the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. And who will deny that it is both ancient and venerable? Indeed, it is one of the most ancient institutions spoken of in the Bible. Its existence and observance are coeval with the history of mankind. If we apply the rules I have quoted, this ancient Sabbath must still exist, unless it can be shown to have been superseded or abolished. When a law is once enacted by the proper authority, it must remain in force until the same authority repeals it; and the repeal must be as plainly stated as the original enactment. It will therefore devolve upon the negative to prove that the Sabbath institution has been expressly repealed. He must show when, where, bow, and by whom if wan done: for if it has act been abolished, it still exists, and if it exists, of course it is binding upon mankind. DSQ63 6.3

Every good institution must he bused upon existing facts, and be enforced for just reasons. The facts stated for the Sabbath institution are, First, God rented on the seventh day. Second, He blessed and sanctified the day on which he rested. These facts and reasons are set forth in the Sabbath commandment as reasons for keeping the Sabbath day holy. These reasons were sufficient at the time the low was given lo constitute the obligation, and, as they still remain, the obligation growing out of them must still exist. DSQ63 6.4

We will now come in the authority of the New Testament for direct proof that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment still exists. The witnesses are Christ and his inspired apostles. The first New Testament writer took up his pen about tea years this side of the resurrection of Christ. It was all written in the Christian age, for the benefit of the men of the Christian dispensation. The terms they used are the inspired terms for the present time. DSQ63 6.5

1. In Matthew 12:1-12, the disciples and our Saviour were accused of breaking the Sabbath law. Christ vindicates the disciples by referring to the Scriptures (Hosea 6:6) to show that they were guiltless, verse 7. “But if ye had known what ibis meaneth, I will have mercy and not sacrifice, ye would not bate condemned the guiltless.” To eat on the Sabbath day when they “were an hungered,” was an act “mercy,” and therefore it was lawful. DSQ63 7.1

Again, when they charged Christ with Sabbath-breaking, for healing the sick on the Sabbath, he replied, “What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it and lift it out? How much, then, is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore, it is lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.” Verses 11, 12. DSQ63 7.2

The word “lawful” signifies “according to law.” The fourth commandment was the great Sabbath law, hence Jesus declared that his acts were according to the fourth commandment. Thus, he recognised the Sabbath and the law of the Sabbath as still in existence. He does not even intimate that it was relaxed, or ever would be. DSQ63 7.3

2. I will next show that the Sabbath existed and was binding this side of the crucifixion of Christ. If it was to expire at the cross, the disciples would have had some intimation of it, no doubt. Luke 23:54-56. “And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on. And the women, also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulcbre, and how his body was laid. And they returned and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the Sabbath day, according to the commandment.” DSQ63 7.4

Luke recorded this by inspiration thirty-three years after it transpired. How careful he was to refer to the commandment to show how the disciples rested thirty-three years before. This was written for us. He refers to the commandment familiarly, as actually existing and in force at the time of his writing. DSQ63 7.5

3. It was the regular Custom of our Saviour to preach on the Sabbath days. Proof-Luke 4:16. “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read.” Verse 31. “And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the Sabbath days.” DSQ63 8.1

When we consider that this was recorded by inspiration, more than thirty years after this dispensation commenced, we must conclude that the Sabbath is recognized as an existing institution, well understood, and observed at the time the record was made. DSQ63 8.2