Selected Messages Book 2

He Sleeps in Jesus

On the Death of a Husband and Father

My Dear Afflicted Sister,

I am afflicted with you in your affliction. Although I did not expect to meet your husband again in this life, yet I have been made sad to hear of his death, and of the heavy responsibilities that this has left to rest upon you in the care of the family. We sympathize with you and will pray often for you and your children. Your husband sleeps in Jesus. “Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours: and their works do follow them” (Revelation 14:13). 2SM 264.3

The Father loves all who are believers in deed and in truth, as members of that body of which Christ is the head. You must now sit down under Christ's shadow, and you will realize His peace. Think of Christ. Look to Him in faith, believing His promises. Keep your mind trustful. He will be your stay. Lean on Him, depend on Him. Do not be sorrowful above measure, but bear up; for a heavy burden rests upon you. Put your trust in One whose arm will never fail you. 2SM 265.1

I have lost my husband, and I know by experience what your sorrow is. But looking to Jesus you will find encouragement. May you have the blessing of the Lord every day. My dear sister, may the Lord bless and sustain you. 2SM 265.2

It is too dark to see now, so I will say good night. Be as cheerful as you can for the sake of your children.—Letter 167, 1905. 2SM 265.3

Dear Children,

I must write a few lines to you. We wish that we could step into your home and weep with you and kneel with you in prayer. Will each one of you seek the Lord and serve Him? You can be a great blessing to your mother by doing nothing that will make her heart sad. The Lord Jesus will receive you if you will give your hearts to Him. Do all that is possible to relieve your mother from every care and burden. 2SM 265.4

The Lord has promised to be a Father to the fatherless. If you will give your hearts to Him, He will give you power to become the sons and daughters of God. If the elder children will relieve the mother by bearing as many burdens as possible, and by treating the younger children kindly, teaching them to do right and not to worry Mother, the Lord will greatly bless them. 2SM 265.5

Give your hearts to the loving Saviour, and do only those things that are pleasing in His sight. Do nothing to grieve your mother. Remember that the Lord loves you, and that each one of you can become a member of the family of God. If you are faithful here, when He shall come in the clouds of heaven, you will meet your father, and will be a united family. 2SM 265.6

In love.—Letter 165, 1905. 2SM 266.1