Christ Our Righteousness


Theory of Truth Not Sufficient

“Our doctrines may be correct; we may hate false doctrine, and may not receive those who are not true to principle; we may labor with untiring energy; but even this is not sufficient.... A belief in the theory of the truth is not enough. To present this theory to unbelievers does not constitute you a witness for Christ.”-The Review and Herald, February 3, 1891. COR 78.4

“The trouble with our work has been that we have been content to present a cold theory of the truth.”-The Review and Herald, May 28, 1889. COR 79.1

“How much more power would attend the preaching of the word today, if men dwelt less upon the theories and arguments of men, and far more upon the lessons of Christ, and upon practical godliness.”-The Review and Herald, January 7, 1890. COR 79.2