Bible Handbook


How to Teach the Word of God

1 Corinthians 2:13. The Holy Ghost’s method of teaching is by comparing spiritual things with spiritual. BHB 8.5

John 5:39. Christ commands us to search the Scriptures. The Desire of Ages, 390. BHB 8.6

Luke 24:25-27, 44, 45. He appeals to the Scriptures to prove His resurrection. BHB 8.7

John 10:34-36. Jesus teaches that the omission of one letter, making the word singular when the prophet had used the plural form, would break the Scriptures. BHB 8.8

Galatians 3:16. The apostle Paul holds the same view of the Scriptures. BHB 8.9

2 Samuel 23:2. David says that the Lord’s “word was my tongue.” BHB 8.10

Daniel 10:17, 19. Inspiration is God’s breath, using the vocal organs of the prophet. BHB 9.1

2 Timothy 3:16, 17. All Scripture is thus inspired that man may know the way of life. BHB 9.2

Romans 4:16-22. Because Abraham believed the word of God, it was counted unto him for righteousness. Patriarchs and Prophets, 152, 153. BHB 9.3

1 Samuel 15:2, 3, 26-29. Because Saul did not believe the word of God, he lost his kingdom. Patriarchs and Prophets, 634-636. BHB 9.4

1 Samuel 15:22, 23. It is as the sin of witchcraft to think that God’s words can be changed. The entire fifteenth chapter 1 Samuel should be studied carefully. Patriarchs and Prophets, 680-682. BHB 9.5