Bible Handbook


The Altar of Incense

Exodus 30:1-6. Golden altar before the vail. BHB 53.5

Exodus 30:7, 8. Perpetual incense renewed morning and evening. The high priest was to offer the incense. BHB 53.6

Exodus 30:34-38. Special incense which could not be used for any other purpose. BHB 53.7

Exodus 30:9. No strange incense could be offered. BHB 53.8

Hebrews 8:5. A shadow of heavenly service. BHB 53.9

Revelation 8:2-5. John saw the heavenly altar. BHB 53.10

Revelation 8:3. An angel officiated. BHB 53.11

Jude 9 1 Thessalonians 4:16; John 5:28, 29. Michael, the archangel, is Christ, our High Priest. BHB 53.12

Revelation 8:3, 4, margin. Incense is added to the prayers. Patriarchs and Prophets, 359. BHB 53.13

John 14:13, 14. The name, or righteous character, of Christ makes our prayers acceptable. What Shall We Teach?, 124, 528. BHB 53.14

1 John 1:9; Isaiah 61:10. Pardoned one clothed with righteous. Testimonies for the Church 4:124. BHB 53.15

Isaiah 64:6. Our righteousness is strange incense. BHB 53.16

Exodus 30:7, 8; Hebrews 9:6. Incense was perpetual; hence, offered on day of atonement. BHB 53.17

Revelation 8:3. Incense added to the prayers of all saints. BHB 54.1

Revelation 5:8, margin. All prayers not answered at once. After they are accepted by the incense being added, they are put in golden vials to be answered in God’s own time. BHB 54.2