Bible Handbook


Coming As a Thief, Or the Marriage

Matthew 24:42-44. One coming of the Lord is compared to a thief; no one knows when a thief comes until after he has done his work and gone. Testimonies for the Church 6:129; 5:9, p. 135. BHB 22.8

Daniel 7:13, 14; Revelation 22:11, 12. When the judgment closes and Christ receives the kingdom, the decree is given which forever determines the destiny of every soul on earth. But he comes as a thief; none know when they pass the line which forever closes probation. The Great Controversy, 491; Testimonies for the Church 2:190-193. BHB 22.9

Revelation 8:5. Christ then throws down His censer and ceases to be a mediator, or priest. Testimonies for the Church 2:691. BHB 23.1

1 Thessalonians 5:2. This event is also spoken of as the coming of the day of the Lord. BHB 23.2

2 Peter 3:10. During the “day of the Lord,” the judgments of God fall upon the earth. BHB 23.3

Revelation 14:10. At that time the unmixed wrath of God is poured out. BHB 23.4

Habakkuk 3:2. Previous to this time mercy is mingled with all the judgments of God. Early Writings, 281. BHB 23.5

Psalm 75:7, 8. The wicked drink the dregs. BHB 23.6

Hebrews 11:16. Christ has prepared the city. BHB 23.7

Daniel 7:13, 14. The city and subjects are all ready when the kingdom is given to Christ, but the land is still occupied by the enemy. BHB 23.8