Bible Handbook

Important Signs of the Last Days

Daniel 12:4. Knowledge increased; much traveling. BHB 19.13

James 5:1-3. Riches heaped together. The Great Controversy, 654. BHB 19.14

Psalm 49:11. Hope their houses will continue forever. BHB 19.15

James 5:4. Laboring man oppressed. BHB 19.16

Nahum 2:3. “In the days of His preparation” the chariots have flaming torches,-great headlights. BHB 19.17

Nahum 2:5. A description of the conductor of any rapid train of cars, as he recounts his passengers and collects fares. BHB 19.18

Nahum 2:4. Automobiles running like lightening and raging in the streets. BHB 20.1

Nahum 3:16, 17. One who has lived in the countries where locusts abound and has seen the sun darkened for hours by dense clouds of locusts flying so high they could scarcely be distinguished from the clouds, can readily think the prophet saw the “merchant,” “crowned” ones and “captains” soaring in the airplanes “as the locusts.” BHB 20.2

Isaiah 8:19. Spiritualism will increase. Early Writings, 263. BHB 20.3

Revelation 16:13-15. Strongly manifested in powers of earth. BHB 20.4

Revelation 16:14. Devil power to work miracles. Testimonies for the Church 9:16. BHB 20.5

2 Corinthians 11:14, 15. Power to personate individuals. The Great Controversy, 552. BHB 20.6

Isaiah 8:20. Word of God the supreme test. BHB 20.7