Bible Handbook

Ordinance of Humility

John 13:1-4. Instituted after the Passover supper. BHB 172.13

John 13:5. Jesus washed the disciples’ feet. BHB 172.14

John 13:6-9. Peter felt unworthy until he found that it was necessary. The Desire of Ages, 646. BHB 172.15

John 13:10, 11. This was Judas’ last call. The Desire of Ages, 645. BHB 172.16

John 13:12, 13. Jesus asked if they knew what He had done. BHB 172.17

John 13:14. “If I then your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” The Desire of Ages, 649. BHB 172.18

John 13:15. “Ye should do as I have done to you.” The Desire of Ages, 650, 651. BHB 173.1

John 13:16. “The servant is not greater than his lord.” BHB 173.2

John 13:8-11. To reject the ordinance of humility is to reject the higher cleansing. BHB 173.3

John 13:17. “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” BHB 173.4

John 13:1, 2; Matthew 26:30. The ordinance of humility was celebrated after the Passover supper, just before they partook of the bread and wine; for as soon as they finished the communion, they sung an hymn and went out. BHB 173.5

1 Timothy 5:10. It was celebrated in the early Christian Church. BHB 173.6