Bible Handbook


Conservation of Food

John 6:12. Save every fragment of food. The Ministry of Healing, 48; Testimonies for the Church 5:400. BHB 166.9

Isaiah 59:7. Wastefullness is classed with wickedness. BHB 166.10

Proverbs 23:2, 3; Luke 21:34. Caution against gluttony, or surfeiting. BHB 166.11

Proverbs 18:9. A great waster is brother to the slothful. The Ministry of Healing, 195. BHB 166.12

Proverbs 6:6-8. Gather food in the summer for winter use. The Ministry of Healing, 299; Testimonies for the Church 7:134. BHB 166.13

Proverbs 30:25. Physical weakness is no excuse for failure to provide food for winter use. BHB 166.14

Genesis 41:28-36. God directed that food be gathered for famine in time of plenty. BHB 166.15

Mark 2:22. The Saviour endorsed the custom of sealing up fruit juice. BHB 166.16

2 Kings 4:38-41. Herbs of the field can be used for food. BHB 167.1

Proverbs 31:27. A true woman will look well to the ways of her household. The Ministry of Healing, 303. BHB 167.2