Bible Handbook



Exodus 16:23. Cooking for Sabbath. The Ministry of Healing, 307. BHB 165.3

John 21:9-12. Christ cooked food. BHB 165.4

1 Kings 19:5-8. Angels have cooked for man. BHB 165.5

2 Kings 4:38-41. Elisha directed in the preparation of foods in school of the prophets. BHB 165.6

Jeremiah 7:18. Children helped mothers. BHB 165.7

Genesis 18:1-6. Sarah cooked food for angels. BHB 165.8

Genesis 25:29-34. Jacob prepared the meal that tempted Esau to sell his birthright. BHB 165.9

In Bible time, food was prepared in a variety of ways, as follows: Bread baked in ovens, Leviticus 26:26. Also baked on hearths, Genesis 18:6. Sometimes baked on flat plates, 1 Chronicles 23:29, margin. Badly baked bread, type of sin. Hosea 7:8. Seethed food is boiled, Ezekiel 24:5. Food roasted, Exodus 12:9. Grain parched, Ruth 2:14. Green corn dried, Leviticus 2:14. Fruit dried, 1 Samuel 25:18. Fruit juice bottled air tight, Luke 5:37, 38. Vegetable soup, 2 Kings 4:38-41. Fish broiled, Luke 24:42. BHB 165.10