Bible Handbook


Fermented Wine

• Fermentation is a sign of death, and death is the result of sin. Alcohol is formed by a process of fermentation; hence, it is a direct child of death and sin. BHB 163.15

Proverbs 20:1. The wine here referred to is fermented; because it is a “mocker” and “deceiver” its character is evil. BHB 163.16

Proverbs 23:20, 21. This is also fermented wine; for it is evil and is classed with the “riotous” and the “drunkards.” BHB 163.17

Genesis 9:21. Fermented wine causes one to lose all sense of modesty. BHB 164.1

Isaiah 5:11. The evil nature of the wine here referred to is revealed in its inflaming the passions. BHB 164.2

Isaiah 28:7. Fermented wine causes the one who drinks it to err in vision and stumble in judgment. BHB 164.3

Proverbs 31:4, 5. It will cause one to forget the law and pervert judgment. BHB 164.4

Proverbs 23:21. The use of it brings poverty. BHB 164.5

Proverbs 23:29, 30. It brings sorrow and contention. BHB 164.6

Ephesians 5:18. The use of fermented wine forbidden. BHB 164.7

Proverbs 23:31. We are forbidden to even look upon this kind of wine. BHB 164.8

1 Corinthians 6:10. No one addicted to the use of intoxicating wine can enter heaven. BHB 164.9