Bible Handbook


A Good Conscience

Romans 2:15. The quiet voice within. Testimonies for the Church 5:512. BHB 144.9

Genesis 3:15. Given as a safeguard. Testimonies for the Church 5:519, 520. BHB 144.10

1 Timothy 1:19. Disregard of conscience means shipwreck, Testimonies for the Church 5:546. BHB 144.11

1 Timothy 1:5. Good conscience and pure heart go together. BHB 144.12

1 Peter 3:16. Also good conscience and godly life. BHB 144.13

Romans 2:13-16. Good conscience accords with the law. BHB 144.14

1 Corinthians 8:7-11. Condition of conscience depends on knowledge of God’s word. BHB 145.1

1 Corinthians 8:12. It is wrong to persuade one to violate his conscience. The Desire of Ages, 550, 487. BHB 145.2

1 John 3:20, 21. If our hearts (or conscience) condemn us not, we have confidence. BHB 145.3