Bible Handbook


Physical Tests of a True Prophet

Numbers 12:6. Will have visions. BHB 138.4

Daniel 10:8. In vision lose their strength. BHB 138.5

Daniel 10:18. Strengthened by the angel. BHB 138.6

Daniel 10:17. No breath. BHB 138.7

Daniel 10:15. Dumb. BHB 138.8

Daniel 10:16. Lips touched by angel. BHB 138.9

Daniel 10:16. Speak without breath. BHB 138.10

Jeremiah 1:9. God’s words in their mouth. Testimonies for the Church 5:677. BHB 138.11

2 Samuel 23:2. God controls their tongue. BHB 138.12

Numbers 24:16. Eyes open in vision. BHB 138.13

Numbers 23:20. Can not reverse the words. BHB 138.14

2 Corinthians 12:2-4. Unconsciousness of surroundings. BHB 138.15

Visions are given in presence of witnesses, who bear testimony to fulfillment of the tests. BHB 138.16