Bible Handbook


Safe Counsel for Business Men

Proverbs 3:9, 10. “Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the first-fruits of all thine increase.” Testimonies for the Church 6:384. BHB 130.12

Malachi 3:10. Pay an honest tithe. Education, 138, 44. BHB 130.13

Proverbs 22:26. Never be surety for debts. BHB 130.14

Proverbs 11:15. “He that is surety... shall smart for it.” BHB 130.15

Proverbs 6:1, 2. He is snared who is surety for either friend or stranger. Testimonies for the Church 1:200. BHB 130.16

Proverbs 17:18. One void of understanding is surety for a friend. BHB 130.17

Proverbs 11:15. “He hath hateth suretiship is sure.” BHB 131.1

Romans 13:8. Owe no man anything. Testimonies for the Church 5:179. BHB 131.2

Proverbs 22:7. Borrower is servant to the lender. BHB 131.3

Exodus 22:14, 15. If you borrow and the goods are damaged in your hands, make them good. BHB 131.4

Proverbs 10:4. The diligent gain riches. BHB 131.5

Proverbs 28:19. He that tilleth land shall have plenty. BHB 131.6

Ecclesiastes 10:10. Never work with blunt tools. BHB 131.7

Proverbs 27:23. Be diligent in looking after your flocks and herds. BHB 131.8

Proverbs 11:25. The liberal soul shall be made fat. BHB 131.9

Leviticus 25:35-37. Never take usury from a poor brother. BHB 131.10

Deuteronomy 23:19, 20. You can receive interest on money lent a stranger. BHB 131.11

Titus 3:14, margin. Be sure you profess an honest trade. Education, 218. BHB 131.12

Habakkuk 2:15. The liquor-seller is cursed. BHB 131.13

Proverbs 10:4. He becometh poor that deals with a slack hand. BHB 131.14

Proverbs 20:4. The sluggard shall have nothing. BHB 131.15

Proverbs 19:15. An idle soul shall suffer hunger. BHB 131.16

Proverbs 22:16; 28:8. “He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches... shall surely come to want.” BHB 131.17

Matthew 7:12. Keep the Golden Rule. Testimonies for the Church 5:335. BHB 131.18

Micah 6:8. Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy God. BHB 131.19