[Bates’ Pamphlet #2] Second Advent Way Marks and High Heaps


“And to the Angel of the church of Philadelphia write.” Without doubt the second and third chap. Rev. is a brief history of the church in its seven states or stages down to the second coming of Christ. Proof - According to the epistles the Asiatic churches were established by the year A. D. 64. About 24 years after this, John receives this revelation respecting things which must shortly come to pass, (not what had been 24 years before,) 3 ch.1 v. This revelation is a prophecy of things past, like the seven churches in Asia, which were already revealed. If the whole book is a prophecy, how can these two chapters be in the past; and why not address the other nine churches which Paul speaks of. Again, after John had seen the whole in the 22nd chapter, it was said to him, I, Jesus, have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. The whole message was then to the churches. Once more - it is clear that the signification of the names of the seven churches in Asia describe the spirit and qualities of the several periods of the christian church. Lastly - if the above statements are not true, how can we apply any part of Revelations to the present state of the church? As the present state of the Philadelphia Church has been discussed, I shall be brief. The fifth state or the Sardis Church looks just like the nominal church in 1844, when the third angel in Revelation 14. were giving their messages: “The hour of his judgment is come,” “Babylon has fallen,” “Come out of her, my people.” connected with the overpowering, soul-stirring Cry at Midnight, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” Here the Sardis Church was shaken to its centre; and all those who really believed these messages began to move out. It is true some were drove out; but no matter, the work was done. Those whose fear of God rather than man prevailed, cleared themselves from the different orders and sects, and with all their various views, they here merged and united together as in apostolic times. Creeds and formulas passed away like smoke from the chimney. They gloried in this heavenly union, while rallying under these flying messages. And every feature denoted the true state of the Philadelphia Church, which signifies brotherly love of the fraternity. They read the promises of Jesus, “that there were a few names in Sardis which had not defiled their garments, and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy.” We thought then there was more than a few, but we are pretty well convinced now that Jesus was right; for he says, “I know thy works, behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it, [if it had not been open, how could those that were ready in the parable have gone in?] for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my WORD, and hast not denied my name.” Revelation 3:4, 7, 8. The 9th to 13th v. show what will follow, viz. the confession of them that lie. The safety of them that hold fast their experience (don’t yield up their way mark,) their crowning promise of the name of God, and Jesus’ own new name. Here is positive proof of division or separation which makes the Laodicean state of the church, which Jesus says he will “Spue out of his mouth for being neither cold nor hot.” Awful condition indeed. Where and how does this heavenly union dissolve, and show a state of neither cold nor hot? Neither one thing nor yet another, believing past experience and yet not believing, looking for Christ’s appearing without living faith, boasting of keeping the commandments of God while living in open violation of them every week. Answer just where Jesus taught us in the parable Matthew 25:10-12. When the or a Cry at Midnight was finished 22nd Oct. 1844, here was the beginning of the division under the sounding of the 7th trumpet. In May following, 1845, almost all the leading messengers on one part of this division (Princes of Judah) commenced a new organization in Albany, N. Y., which when fully developed in the city of Rochester, April 5th, 1846, looked just like the description of the Laodicean or last state of the church, as described by the Savior in Revelation 3.14-22. As so much is voluntarily fulfilled, I cannot see how the least part can fail. More in another place. BP2 75.1